A midnight premiere can be an exciting experience for fans. These premieres bring out the hard core fans to celebrate the movie coming to the big screen. For fans in Aurora, Colorado, this also brought tragedy.
A gunman brought tear gas and at least two guns into the movie theater. The assailant dispensed the tear gas and opened up fire upon the crowd during a chase scene early into the movie. The murder was wearing a bullet proof vest. Chaos broke out in the theater and some fans did not realize what was occurring. In the process 12 people died and 38 others were physically wounded. This event with inevitably have psychological scares on all of the survivors.
The suspect is Twenty Four year old James Holmes . His mother was contacted by the new agencies and appeared to believe her son was guilty. Holmes did make statement to the police about potential bombs in his apartment.
Here is a link to the some of the first hand witnesses and victims: My Fox 8.
Here at Geeky KOOL, we would like to send out our thoughts and prayers to all the victims and their families. We cannot imagine what they are going through. Our hearts are broken at this tragedy.