Marvel has announced they are partnering with STOMP Out Bullying™ to help bring awareness to the big problem of bullying and cyberbullying. October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Marvel will have variant comic covers to bring light to the bullying. Marvel provided special images of the anti-bullying covers which we are re-posting.

There are seven different comics with variant anti-bullying covers.
- HULK #7

This is a really KOOL thing that Marvel is doing with STOMP Out Bullying™. But in my mind, it would have been better if these were the regular covers instead of variants. The variant covers will only be found at comic book stores. The exposure would have been greater with the regular covers. But they are doing something to spotlight the problems with bullying so I can’t complain too much.
STOMP Out Bullying™ focuses on reducing and preventing bullying, cyberbullying, sexting and other digital abuse, educating against homophobia, racism and hatred, decreasing school absenteeism, and deterring violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. It teaches effective solutions on how to respond to all forms of bullying. It educates kids and teens in school and online, provides help for those in need and at risk of suicide, raises awareness, conducts peer mentoring programs in schools, creates and distributes public service announcements by noted celebrities, and engages in social media campaigns. An additional focus educates parents on how to keep their children safe and responsible online.
In 2008, the organization created Blue Shirt Day® World Day of Bullying Prevention to signify the importance and bring awareness to the fight to stop bullying and cyberbullying. Taking place the first Monday of October – this year on October 6, 2014 – Blue Shirt Day® World Day of Bullying Prevention is designed as a sign of solidarity against bullying by having kids, teens and adults wear blue and make that the day that bullying prevention is heard around the world. (Marvel.com)

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/news/comics/2014/9/4/23198/marvel_entertainment_and_stomp_out_bullying_team_up#ixzz3CP0ugAOV
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