Robert Rodriguez, director of El Mariachi, Desperado, Spy Kids, Sin City, Grindhouse,Machete, and The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D, has joined writer Terry Rossio of Aladdin, Pirates of the Caribbean: The
Year: 2015
The Legend of Conan
Arnold said he would “Be Back!” And he continues to prove that. He has brought the Terminator movie series back in an anticipated sequel. Now he is bringing Conan back.
Happy Towel Day: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Original Radio Series – 1.1
Here is a the first episode of the Original Radio series of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on this glorious Towel Day. I post this with my towel next
Video: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld- “Where To Start?”
Since it is The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May, I want to share a KOOL video about Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. This video gives helpful hints on where to start if you want
Father & Son Piano Duo- Star Wars Cantina
For Geek Pride Day, here is a fun little video. This father and son preform together on the piano. I love their rendition of the Star Wars Cantina theme. It
Geek Pride Day 2015
Along with this being Memorial Day, it is also Geek Pride Day. It feels very odd for me to talk about Geek Pride Day while it is on Memorial Day. Geek
Happy Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day, we here at Geeky KOOL would like to take a few minutes to remember the brave soldiers and other service men and women who gave the
Heroes, Villains, and Me: The Atom- TV vs Comics
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a periodic article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is
TV Trailer: Between
Here is a trailer for the new Netflix Original series, Between. All of the Adults above age 22 come down with deadly virus and die. The town ends up being
Movie Trailer: Fantastic Four (International Trailer)
Here is another Fantastic Four Trailer. There isn’t a lot of new footage in this trailer. I am just not convinced this movie will be very good. If it was
Terminator: Genisys (TV Spot)
Here is the TV trailer for the upcoming Terminator: Genisys. This trailer looks really KOOL. I am very hopeful that this movie will be awesome. I love how the T800
Game Trailer- Batman: Arkham Knight (Be the Batman Trailer)
Here is an interesting trailer for the upcoming video game, Batman: Arkham Knight. This trailer was an interesting approach to a video game trailer. I think I really liked it
Video: Speed Force Visions at 0.25x Speed
Here is the vision that Barry/The Flash had when running with the Speed Force and trying to run back in time. This video shows the footage from the show in
Movie Short: The Rise and Fall of Globosome
Here is an interesting movie short. It shows the quick rise and destruction of a planet and the life of the planet. It is an interview display look at a
Video: Supernatural Parody by The Hillywood Show
Here is a fun parody video from The Hillywood Show. It is a parody of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”. They parody this season’s plot on Supernatural. It is a
Movie Trailer: Cooties
There isn’t a lot more scary for many adults than an elementary school filled with students. What if those students got Cooties and became flesh eating zombies? Yes that is
Bladeless Wind Turbine
The Spanish company, Vortex Bladeless, had created a Bladeless Wind Turbine. It harnesses the power of wind without he giant blades spinning. Instead it wobbles in the wind and generates
Movie Trailer: JURASSIC WORLD (Featurette – Stunts)
Here is a fun featurette with Chris Pratt. It has Chris doing his own stunts in Jurassic World. He uses his witty humor and smirk. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Chris Pratt Signed on for “Three” to “Five” More Marvel Movies
According to, Chris Pratt is signed on to do up to five more Marvel Movies. He hinted at two of them will be Guardians movies. The other Marvel movies
Movie Trailer: Pan
Here is the movie trailer for the upcoming film, Pan. This is a new take on Peter Pan. I love Black Beard being the Pirate that Peter must fight. It