Happy New Year from the staff of Geeky KOOL. We wish you all a wonderful and safe New Years Eve and an Amazing 2019. There will be some changes happening
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Movie Trailer- Iron Sky:The Coming Race
Here is the latest trailer for Iron Sky sequel, Iron Sky: The Coming Race. It has Moon Nazis, Hallow Earth, Lizard People, Dinosaurs, and Spaceships. These are just a few
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Geeky KOOL
Here we are on Christmas Eve. The staff at Geeky KOOL would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. No matter what you celebrate, if
TV Trailer: Doom Patrol
DC Streaming’s latest series, Doom Patrol, has a trailer Check out the bizarre team of heroes in this brief teaser trailer. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Video: Spidey Bells- A Very Spidey Christmas
At the end of Into the Spiderverse, this song plays. Here it is for your enjoyment during this holiday season. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Video: Home Alone Again with the Google Assistant
Kevin is left home alone again but as an adult with Google Assistant. Somethings are the same while Google Assistant helps make things easier. This is a funny commercial just
Movie Trailer- Men In Black International
The next Men In Black movie is here. This time it is going international with Rebecca Ferguson, Tessa Thompson, and Chris Hemsworth. This is a new age of Men In Black. This trailer is
Images from Live Action Aladdin
Disney is trying to make all of their classic popular cartoons into live action movies. This movie will star Will Smith as the Genie. It is weird to think of
Movie Trailer: Bumblebee (Not The Air Force~ Clip)
Here is the latest trailer for Bumblebee. This looks like the Transformers movie we have been waiting for. I haven’t wanted to see a Transformers movie in a long time
Movie Trailer: Hellboy
The Hellboy reboot has been a bit controversial with fans. Many loved Ron Perlman as Hellboy. They could not imagine anyone bringing the character to the screen with such gravatus.
Mortal Engines is produced by Peter Jackson and directed by Christian Rivers. It follows Hester Shaw in post apocalyptic world were city’s drive around on wheels, bigger city’s like London
RIP Penny Marshall
I was very sad when I heard Penny Marshall passed away today at 75 years old. She died of diabetes complications. Marshall was known for her 1970s and early 80s
Doctor Who~ Twas the Night Before Christmas
Who does Santa call when he is having problems? He find the Doctor and asks her for help. Check out this fun animated video with the Doctor and Santa. Stay
Sony’s 1st two films with Maguire were top notch, nearly every entry since apart from “Homecoming” collaboration between Sony and Marvel) were less than stellar. I loved the 90s animated
News: Relics and Rarities~ Deborah Ann Woll DM’s D&D
Deborah Ann Woll is best known as Karen Page on Netflix Daredevil series. She was also Jessica Hamby on True Blood. Since Daredevil was cancelled and cannot be used by Disney for
Images from Godzilla: King of the Monsters
I love Godzilla movies. They are always a ton of fun. He is the King of the Monsters. Godzilla is a character that is sometimes the monster and sometimes the hero.
Stormtroopers Sing “The Empire is Coming to Town”
Here is a fun commercial for Spike TV’s Star Wars marathon. The 501st knows how to bring it. Check out this great adaption of Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
2 Year Wait after Marvel Netflix Series Cancelled
According to Variety, the deal Marvel made with Netflix to bring their characters to the small screen has a stipulation that the characters cannot appear on tv or in movies
Jeffrey Dean Morgan Returns to Supernatural for Episode 300
Fourteen years ago, Supernatural premiered on the CW. Sam and Dean went on a trip looking for their monster fighting father. At the end of the first season, they finally
Punisher Returns for Season 2 on Netflix
After Netflix has canceled Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, we were unsure if Netflix would bring out a new season of any of their Marvel series. Marvel.com has announced