There were a lot of disturbing images in last night’s Miley Cirus’ VMA performance. It was a complete train wreck. I cannot recommend watching it even for the train wreck aspects. She had a disturbing “Chucky Cheese” looking lingerie and danced with people with life size Teddy Bears strapped on their backs. She spanked a lady on stage. She was busy touching her own genital along with our people’s genital. Don’t even get me started with the weird things she was doing with her tongue.
The most frightful part of the so called performance, had to do with the Giant Cylon Teddy Bear. Miley comes out on the stage from the inside of this bear. The bear is wearing a visor similar to Cyclops of the X-Men. The lights in the eyes are moving back and forth like a Cylon. Even with this bizarre behavior of the former childhood star, I couldn’t take my eyes off this frakin Cylon Bear. You can see the Cylon bear on the right side of the picture above.
It did make me wonder if Miley is secretly a cylon. It might explain some of her strange behaviors. She is no “6” or “Boomer” but I do think she is dangerous.
After seeing last night’s performance (on the internet afterwards) with the Cylon Bear and the wacky Miley Cirus, can anyone fault Skynet for nuking us all? I don’t think so.
Stay Geeky My Friends!