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Happy Star Wars Days- May the Fourth Be With You

Happy Star Wars Days!  This is May the Fourth and May the Fourth Be with You!  I am strong in the fourth and the fourth is strong in me.

May the Fourth is an awesome play on words. In Star Wars, the saying is “May the Force Be with You.” It doesn’t take geeks long to jump at the fourth of May and celebrate an awesome geekdom. Because of this, May the Fourth became known as Star Wars Day.

In May, there are two different celebrations of Star Wars fandom. We just talked about May the Fourth but May 25th is another one. May 25th is known as Geek Pride Day. It is the date that Star Wars was released to the public back in 1977.  Don’t worry if you don’t remember come May 25th, Geeky KOOL will remind you as the date approaches.

Today we celebrate Star Wars and our fandom for Star Wars. There is a humongous amount of excitement with the franchise back in full swing with The Last Jedi due out in December. It is a great time to be a Star Wars Geek.

May the Force and the Fourth Be with You!

Stay Geeky My Friends!

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