After a long day and attending 3 panels back to back to back, I was looking for a place to sit and charge my laptop and phone. I picked a table near the electrical plugs, which can be challenging. Three young people were sitting at the table talking. One of the guys was dressed up Scobby Doo. The young lady was dressed as Velma. The other gentleman was not dressed. I asked to sit at the table and they graciously invited me to sit.
Per my norm, I started spreading out with my laptop and cell phone because there was plenty of room. I was trying to work on a post or two while I waited for the cosplay contest.
Shortly after, Fred, Daphe, and Shaggy all showed up. They gathered around the table. All were very welcoming of me joining their table. I joined in part of their conversations and they were super cool with it.
This group of friends of Mystery Inc were chatting and talking for a while. Fred appeared to be tired and passed out for a nap at the table. After a short time, Daphne pulled out a deck of cards. She had just bought these cards and the cards were Scobby Doo based.
After some negation, they decided to play Go Fish. Velma, Scobby, Daphne, and Shaggy played a round of Go Fish and laughed and had fun. They referred to each other in character as they asked for Cards “Scob do you have any 9s?” Scobby cleaned up in the first round.
The Mystery Inc Gang decided to play a second round, Fred was still sleeping and we joked about how Fred was the one with the drug problem and not Shaggy or maybe Fred at the brownies and was coming down from the high.
The other gentleman decided to join the fun. Daphne stated he was an innocent bystander. I piped in and stated he should be the bad guy like the old man who ran the amusement park. The Mystery Inc. gang started referring to him as “Old Man Jenkins.
The gang had a great time playing the second round of Go Fish. They even would through in some voices from time to time. It was much closer but Shaggy pulled out the victory.
I informed the gang that I would write an article since it was so fun. They were gracious and allowed me to take their picture and seemed excited I would write this article. I had to write it. Who would have guessed I would have run into the Mystery Inc gang and they would play Go Fish?
Mystery Inc. Gang, you made my day.
Stay Geeky!