“Bob’s Burger” is such an entertaining show with unique characters, lines that punch your funny bone, but can squeeze your heart as much as flipping his famous burgers. It is a good cartoon for me to put in the background. A trend they excel in are holiday episodes. Out of 14 seasons, there are 7-11 of each major holiday from October to February. And now we are in the Belture family greatness. I chose my 15 holidays from Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. It was hard to select only 15 for I like all of them. ^-^
Let us ‘meat’ the family during the middle of their seasonal tales!
Top 15 “Bob’s Burgers” Holiday Episodes:
- Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street,
- The Pumpkinening,
- The Hauntening,
- Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled,
- Turkey in a Can,
- Thanks-Hoarding,
- Stuck in the Kitchen with You,
- The Last Gingerbread House on the Left,
- Gene’s Christmas Break,
- The Plight Before Christmas,
- Two Nights Before Christmas,
- V for Valentine-detta,
- Bob Actually,
- Romancing the Beef,
- The Gene and Courtney Show.