With all the crazy talk about fake geek girls, this story is heartwarming. Thanks to The Mary Sue for posting the link on their site. The original article is from The Ohio State University: University Library Blog.
Gables Elementary Girl Scouts Troop 1320 recently visited the Cartoon Library at Ohio State University. The Girl Scouts Troop worked on their drawing badge and learned about comic books. They learned some of the history of women and comics books. They viewed comics by some of the great female comic artists.
These young ladies learned about self publishing. They experienced several mini comics. Hand bound and uniquely made comics were featured. By the end of the day, these Scouts made their own comic books.
I think this is a fantastic story. Not only did the Scout leader of Troop 1320 and Library staff make comic books KOOL for young ladies but they made it fun and awesome to create their own. I think this is a phenomenal story. At Geeky KOOL, we support acquainting girls with the awesomeness of reading comics and creating comic books.
Check out the full link above if you desire to read the full details.