“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic book review article. I will write about current events, speculation and rumors, or my own wacky thoughts about the world of comic books.
Fellow Geeky KOOL writer, Valerie, wrote a fantastic post about the challenges of finding appropriate comic books for girls. I have ran into the same challenges to find comics for my 12 year old daughter that are good role models. I require the female characters to be appropriately dressed and to be a positive example.
The comic book community has a serious problem. They continue to discuss how they need to include more girls in comic books. Often the female characters are just a girl version of male hero. When they do create KOOL female characters, they often over sexualize them. They have them contort to show off their rears and chest. Everything is focused on making teen boys happy with a beautiful and sexy female hero. They completely miss the boat for girls.
Captain Marvel has been a perfect example of a heroine for my daughter. She is a strong and mighty hero. Captain Marvel’s outfit is appropriate without extensive cleavage. She is written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, a great writer who is also female.
With the New 52, my daughter and I have been enjoying The World’s Finest with Power Girl and the Huntress. Power Girl’s outfit has been appropriate (see below picture). This is a huge change from her previous outfit. I found the outfit change to be refreshing. It is now appropriate for all ages to view.
I am a guy. I understand the obsession guys (especially teenage boys) have with breasts especially large breasts. Power Girl’s old uniform revealed a ton of cleavage. Her outfit became know for the “boob window” and her ever larger growing breasts and her character suffered because of it.
According to comicbookmovie.com, in an upcoming issue of World’s Finest, Power Girl will wear her old uniform. This is a huge setback for Power Girl and for the World’s Finest. There goes another comic that my daughter found KOOL but it appears to be leaving the appropriate reading for a twelve year old girl. How very sad.
I hope these rumors were not true.