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Author Spotlight: Dodge Merrin

Author Spotlight: Dodge Merrin

Note: This interview happened on October 19, 2023. I neglected to post this shortly after it aired. My apologies! — Mandy Collins

Science Fiction author, Dodge Merrin, and I sat down for an interview to discuss his epic space opera series and upcoming fantasy series.

Dodge Merrin

Author Dodge Merrin has been a fan of the science fiction genre for most of his life. Inspired to write an epic books series, Merrin brought his S.T.A.R. Chronicle series to life. Merrin wanted to tell a story where there are no traditional “good guys versus bad guys.” In this series, there are two main factions who have fought for control over the sectors they occupy in the galaxy for over one hundred years.

In our interview, we discuss the inspiration behind his books, his writing style, as well as discussing the writing process in general.

The S.T.A.R. Chronicles book Series:

The S.T.A.R. (Surrender Today or Adamantly Resist) Chronicles are made up of  four books, a collection of short stories, and an anthology of the first four books)

Triumphant Empire

Image of the Book cover for Triumphant Empire by Dodge Merrin.
Triumphant Empire: Book 1

One last hostile stronghold stands between the Ordeon Empire and total victory in a war which has lasted nearly a hundred years. It has taken months of preparation, but Legion Commander Max Canza is finally ready to unleash his final offensive and there is nothing his enemies can do to stop him. The future which they have envisioned for so long must become reality, no matter what must be sacrificed. Those few soldiers of the Vehlan Union who manage to survive the imperial attack and escape into space must now confront the fact they are all that is left. The nation they swore to defend is gone, but Colonel Leon Tyquese knows that its cause based in the belief of liberty for all people must not be allowed to die. He galvanizes his soldiers into continuing the fight and will not rest until their people are free once more. The Vehlans will recruit some unlikely allies and begin to rebuild a fighting force while the Ordonians consolidate their power and prepare for future expansion. One war has ended, but the fight continues as long as people remain who believe in the cause. (Amazon)


Image of the book cover for the book Revolution by Dodge Merrin.
Revolution: Book 2

The Vehlans have offered the pirates a chance to regain the lives they left behind when they fled the decades long war between the Ordeon Empire and Vehlan Union, and they have decided to take it. Death is all that awaits them in the empire, so they are fully committed to creating a new system in which they can live without fear. They will follow Red Sam as he seeks out others who have been oppressed by the Ordonians and recruits them to the cause. It seems there is no one left who can challenge them, but Primary Max Canza knows the inherent dangers in expanding too fast. He has chosen to bide his time and tighten security within the empire while continuing to build the military for the next campaign. While that work continues, he also knows there are ways to expand a nation’s power besides simple brute force. Now that the Vehlan Union is gone, the other nations can no longer ignore the threat posed by the Ordeon Empire and its dream of ruling the entire human race. Their only chance to protect themselves is to work together, and that is the message Leon Tyquese brings them as he seeks to recruit them as allies of the resistance. Unfortunately, centuries of conflict have left them distrustful of both sides. (Amazon)

Total War

Image of the book cover for Total War by Dodge Merrin.
Total War: Book 3

The inevitable war between the champions of liberty and the architects of a better future has arrived. A coalition of nations calling itself the Galactic Confederacy confronted the Ordeon Empire in battle and turned back its invasion of yet another nation, but this is only the beginning.

Defeat is a new experience for Primary Max Canza, but he will not allow it to define him. He now sees the true face of his enemy, and the Ordonian military remains the strongest of all the nations. There is no stopping his people’s destiny to lead the human race to a new age where war, crime, and poverty will no longer exist.

Their initial victory has brought hope to many, but Leon and Sam Tyquese know the struggle ahead will be long and bloody. They also know this is their last chance to stop the Ordonians from destroying all vestiges of freedom. The rights of the individual must be protected, and they will not rest until those rights are safe. (Amazon)

Brink of Extinction

Image of the book cover for "Brink of Extinction" by Dodge Merrin.
Bring of Extinction: Book 4

The Ordeon Empire saw the Galactic Confederacy as the greatest threat to humanity’s future while the confederacy saw the empire as the greatest threat to life itself. They were both wrong, as now four alien races have returned from legend with a power unrivaled by any human nation. Their goal is the complete annihilation of the human race. Their only chance for survival is in mutual cooperation, but it is a small chance. Not only must Max Canza work with Leon and Sam Tyquese to overcome centuries of hatred for one another, but their enemy remains more powerful despite their combined might. Hope fades, but it never dies, and legend is still coming alive. (Amazon)

Embers of Hope

Image of the cover of the book Embers of Hope by Dodge Merrin
S.T.A.R. Chronicles anthology, books 1-4

His world lies in the hands of tyrants, and his family is dead or estranged, but Leon Tyquese has not lost hope. He believes in liberty and justice for all people, and that the struggle for such things should never be given up. There is nothing that will stop him from fighting those who destroy others in the name of their own glory. He will be joined by his pirate brother, and together they will build something new in the spirit of the old. One hundred years of war finally ended in victory for Max Canza and the empire he serves. Centuries old goals are at last within their grasp, and he can see the time when they will lead humanity into a bright and prosperous future. There are always those who resist progress in favor of their own selfish desires, but he will not let anything stop him. Their two nations have known nothing but anger and hate towards one another, and they remember nothing else. Now their conflict spirals out of control and threatens all the nations no matter their own beliefs. The time is quickly approaching when everyone will have to choose a side or have one chosen for them, and peace will be nothing but a distant memory. As the human race seems intent on destroying itself, other powers long hidden perceive their time has come and make their move. Their power is far beyond what anyone has ever encountered, and if any of them are to survive, they will have to work together. Hope is fading, but even the smallest ember can spark the brightest flame. (Amazon)

S.T.A.R. Chronicles Short Stories

Image of the book cover for The Star Chronicles short story collection.
Short Story Collection

No story stands alone. Each has one or more stories behind it that shaped the world in which it takes place and drives the actions of the people within. This collection of short stories takes you deeper into the world of The S.T.A.R. Chronicles and the events that created it.Observe how the nations came to be and what led to the characters finding themselves in the midst of extraordinary events. Discover how human history was erased; see the formation of the Star Knights and their role in the early empire; and learn about pivotal moments in the lives of the characters that shaped their destiny. As we seek to seize the future, let us not forget the past. (Amazon)

Contact the Author

Contact information for Author Dodge Merrin.



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