The latest “new” X-men movie “X-men:Dark Phoenix” has been pushed back from its November 2018 release into 2019. The new release date is Valentines Day, February 14, 2019. The reason
Author: Jon Tessler
2018 in film part 2
So we left off at the end of June with the latest Jurassic World movie….after a jam packed first part of the year, lets see what the second half of
2018 movies are beginning to heat up…..great news for all the geeks out there…Part 1
Normally Hollywood released “big” movies in the summer and winter seasons. The former to take advantage of kids being out of school(summer blockbuster) and the latter to catch families together
Netflix releases its Lost in Space reboot trailer and announces April13th release date
The classic 1965-1968 sci-fi camp series Lost in Space is getting a modern day reboot and Netflix has released a trailer and announced an April 13th streaming date. The series
Voldemort: Origins of the Heir, a Harry Potter fan film released on Youtube
The Highly anticipated Italian Harry Potter Fan Film “Voldemort: Origins of the Heir” has been released on Youtube, and it is really well done. The film clocks in at
New Mutants Movie gets delayed till 2019
Originally expected to be released on April 13, 2018, The New Mutants movie has been delayed almost a year until February 22nd, 2019. No word on if there are
Gemini – A Star Trek Fan Film – to be released 1/12/18 – spoiler free review
This is the second film in the last phase of Vance Major Owens tale of Erik Minard. This is a “one room” set piece and the lack of set variety
Without Reward the first film in “phase 4” for Vance major Owen(spoiler free review)
So I got a chance to see the first film out of the final 6 in the saga of Erik Minard. Minard is the Star Trek Fan film character
Early Preview of the final films by Vance major Owens
So a lot of my posts lately have been from the realm of Star Trek Fan Films, and most have centered on the character of Erik Minard. Minard was created
Lexington Adventures – Rise of the Tribbles
This fan film by Vance Major Owen is an interesting take on the “problem” the Klingon Empire has with the furry little creatures known as Tribble’s that were first viewed
Ruling issued in SDCC/SLCC court case
Friday a Federal Jury in the case of trademark infringement between San Diego Comic Con and Salt Lake City Comic Con rendered its decision. SLCC was found guilty of violating
The Constar Playlist – A Star Trek Fan Film Series by Vance Major Owen
About a Year ago, I was introduced to one of the more prolific Star Trek fan Film producers/actors. Vance Major Owen created the character of Erik Minard(named after his childhood
Sad time to be a geek or better known as “this is why we can not have nice things”.
At this time of the year, geeks should be thinking about X-mas, the next Star Wars Movie, and most are doing just that. Unfortunately in the background “sight unseen” are
Avengers Infinity Wars trailer #1 released
Marvel released the first trailer to one of next years most anticipated movies “Avengers Infinity Wars part 1……enjoy
OWC Studios holds open house for Axanar friends, donors and fans on 10/21/17
Yesterday I took a day trip down to Atlanta, and then thanks to my Facebook friend Steven Dixon, I ventured about an hours drive to the tiny hamlet of Lawrenceville,GA
Big news concerning the Star Trek fan film Axanar
First off, sorry I have been so lax with posts…work has been hectic, and stuff. As you may recall I did a short interview with Axanar Executive Producer Alec Peters
latest Star Trek Fan film Production review “Command and Conquer”
Star Trek has one of the widest range of fan film productions in all of science fiction. While Star Trek tried to show humanity had evolved into a “more noble”
Spoiler Free Review of Star Trek Fan Film “Minard”
So lately I have gotten to know some of the people who work in the creation of Fan Films. One of the best known communities of fan films is dedicated
Wonder Woman opening night review
So in keeping with the “new tradition” on showing movies the night before the actual release date. Ashley and I caught the 8pm showing of DC’s summer superhero movie Wonder
Interview with Alec Peters, Executive Producer, and Star of Prelude to Axanar(Star Trek Fan Film)
About 2 years ago I stumbled onto a Star Trek Fan Film Called “Prelude To Axanar”. This film told the story of one of the Greatest battles in Star Trek