According to The Hollywood Reporter, Paramount and eOne (Hasbro’s Film Studio) are not only in the midst of casting the Dungeons and Dragons feature film starring Chris Pine but they
Author: Larry Litle
Review: WandVision Episode I & II (Mild Spoilers)
WandaVision premiered yesterday on Disney+. The first two episodes are available for streaming. A new episode will come out every Friday through the end of this season. WandaVision pulls Scarlet
Video: Willy’s Wonderland
A horror movie with animatronic characters. Nic Cage isn’t messing around in this one. I am not sure what to think but definitely intrigued. Stay Geeky!
Mikey Sutton Scoops The Mandalorian Leading to Heir to the Empire
According to Mikey Sutton of Geekosity, Disney+ The Mandalorian is leading into an adaption of Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire series of books aka The Thrawn Trilogy. We have
Rumor: Chris Evans In Final Negotiations for Return of Captain America
The hot rumor of the day is the return of Chris Evans to the MCU as Captain America. This rumor and speculation is on every major and most minor geek/nerd
Honest Trailers: Wonder Woman 1984
I love the humor and the “yeah they are right” moments with the honest trailer. They poke fun at the things we love but they do it in a playful
Part 4: Spies of Norway from A Series of Enigmatic Events
Skallywag Productions brings you episode 4 in A Series of Enigmatic Events. This is part 4 of a 4 part inaugural episode. This week Shpoo and AJ discuss what ties
Star Wars Open World Game & Indiana Jones Game in Works
LucasFilm Games now have the ability to have games developed by different companies. The games were in an exclusive contract with EA Games for Eight years. The first time since
Video: Green Child of Mine (Sweet Child of Mine Spoof)
Here is a great video with Baby Grogu and the band “Guns N’ Helmets. in Green Child of Mine. It is a spoof of of Guns N’ Roses’ Sweet Child
Geeky KOOL Presents: Professor and Ace- Episode 35 – Our Favorite Movies from 1945-49
Check out the very different list of 1940s movies from the minds of Ace and the Professor. We share our favorites form 1945-1949. Stay Geeky!
Trailer: CRAZY SAMURAI: 400 VS. 1
I used to stay up really late on the weekends to catch Blackbelt Theater. This would show older Samurai and Kung Fu movies after hours. I loved them so much.
Deadpool 3 Will Be R Rated
Kevin Feige confirmed with Collider that Deadpool is fully coming to the MCU with his full mouth. The first Deadpool movie was a huge success with it’s R Rating. This
Season Review: Cobra Kai (Spoiler Free)
Cobra Kai is an amazing return to the Karate Kid universe. The first two seasons were awesome. On January 1, 2021, season three premiered on Netflix. Would it be as good
Comic Book Artist Steve Lightle Passes Away
Comic book artist Steve Lightle passed away at 61 years old. He died from cardiac arrest stemming from COVID-19. Steve started his career in comics in 1984 for AC Comics.
Geeky KOOL Presents: Professor and Ace- Episode 34 – Wonder Woman 1984 & More
Ace and Professor are joined by Mr Keith of Pop Culture Minefield discussed Wonder Woman 1984 and more. We give you our reviews and thoughts about this sequel movie. We
Tayna Roberts Officially Passed Away
After the false report and then the retraction, Tayna Roberts has now. Our condolences to her family and friends and all of her fans. Check out our previous post when
False Alarm – Tonya Roberts Is Alive
I don’t know if it was a cause where Tonya Roberts was just “mostly dead” or if she is a zombie, but the reports of Tonya Roberts death have been
Tanya Roberts Passes Away at 65
Actress Tanya Roberts passed away at age 65. She was Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on December 24. She collapsed after a morning walk with her dogs. Tanya Roberts
Next Season Is Last for Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor
Jodie Whittaker is leaving Doctor Who at the end of the next season. That will be her third season. It is scheduled to open in the Fall. Whittaker told the
Poem: The Virus kills the body
The Virus Kills the Body By Larry Litle Jan 3, 2021 The Virus Kills the Body Distance kills the soul Mind drained and shoddy Life Spins out of Control Craving