Stephen Colbert is a huge geek. He let his geek flag fly with his prediction of about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This is a pretty fun theory. I cannot
Author: Larry Litle
Marvel’s Jessica Jones Poster – Kilgrave (Purple Man)
This poster is awesome. My excitement and anticipation for this Netflix Original series, Marvel’s Jessica Jones, grows by the moment. There will be moments in this series that will be
Wookie Arrested Driving Darth Vader to Vote
In the Ukraine, police arrested a man in a Wookie suit for illegally campaigning on election day and driving without a licence. Stepan Chewbacca (legal name) drove Darth Alekseyevich Vader
Doctor Who- K-9: Time Quake Movie
Back in 1977, the Doctor introduced the world to the robot dog, K-9. The first appearance was in the serial, “The Invisible Enemy.” He was also featured in the spin-off
Video: Every Press Conference Ever (ft. Weird Al Yankovic)
If you are a sports fan, you have seen those press conferences when people say a ton of nothing. Mandatory press conferences are typically horrible. Here is Weird Al Yankovic
CBS’ Supergirl Big Rating Opening
I have read a ton of varying opinions on CBS’ Supergirl. Some people really enjoyed this première episode. For others, it wasn’t their thing. Some people criticized the writing and
Lebanon Comic Con for Halloween
The inaugural Lebanon Comic Con will be held this weekend in Lebanon, MO. You can join the festivities on Friday evening and all day Saturday for games, costume contests, and
TV Trailer: The X-Files
Here is the latest trailer for the upcoming six episodes miniseries of X-Files Season 10. I Want to Believe. Stay Geeky My Friends!
David Tennant and Catherine Tate Returns to Doctor Who (Audio)
The tenth Doctor and Donna return to the Doctor Who franchise. The Doctor Who audio franchise from Big Fish. The first Doctor and Donna story is set to be released
Halloween ComicFest
Halloween ComicFest is an annual event where participating Comic Stores give out free Halloween comics. Some of the stores will have costume contests. You can locate a participating store Here.
Kickstarter: A Night On Ghost Island
My Buddy, Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf-Atreides, is the creator of this comic story, A Night On Ghost Island. It is a coming of age story about a group of friends. The
Syfy’s Krypton News
According to Newsarama, Syfy’s series, Krypton, is still in the planning stages. Syfy seems to be dedicated to this series but hasn’t officially given it the green light. Krypton will be a
Parody Trailer: Star Wars: The Binks Awakens
CAUTION: IF JAR JAR offends your sensibilities, this is not the trailer for you. If you enjoy a parody of the new beloved Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer then
Kickstarter: From A to Zee: A collection of art By Jared George
The Kickstarter for the awesome art project, From A to Zee, by my friend Jared George, is coming to a quick close. The kickstarter is in the last few hours. If
Image: The Flash- Killer Frost
Here is an image from CW’s The Flash. Caitlin Snow is one of the scientist from S.T.A.R. Labs on “Team Flash”. She is an essential teammate for Barry Allen. She
Wally Wood Need Credit in Netflix Marvel’s Daredevil
Wallace “Wally” Wood is a classic comic book artist. He started penciling and inking comics back in the 50s. He drew some of the classic comics. Assigned as the penciler and
TV Trailer: Marvel’s JESSICA JONES
This trailer gives you the feel how dark this series will be. It will be very dark and graphic at times. How do you stop a man who can make
Video: Marty McFly & Doc Brown Visit Jimmy Kimmel Live
Marty and Doc time traveled back to October 21st and ended up right in the middle of Jimmy Kimmel last night. Here is a fun skit that is worth watching.
Movie Trailer: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Here is a new and awesome trailer for the upcoming movie, “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”. This parody (but not slap stick) movie is based off the best selling novel
David Tennant & Billie Piper Will Attend Wizard World St. Louis
Big news for Doctor Who fans in the St. Louis area. Doctor Who’s David Tennant & Billie Piper Will Attend Wizard World St. Louis. My favorite Doctor power couple will