Here are three clips in one video for the quickly upcoming Doctor Who Season Eight. This gives us a bit of insight of the interesting relationship between Clara and the
Author: Larry Litle
Image of the DAY: Rocket & Groot as Calvin & Hobbs
Here is a great image of Rocket and Groot as Calvin and Hobbs. I love this image. It is from Adi Fitri’s Tumblr. Calvin and Hobbs were my favorite comic
Video: Kermit the Frog on Guardians of the Galaxy
Here is fun interview video from MTV with Kermit the Frog and Pepe. They ask Kermit about Guardians of the Galaxy. He discusses how he could work with Rocket and
Video: Every Easter Egg In GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY
Here is a fun video for those of you that have seen Guardians of the Galaxy. It has Every Easter Egg from the movie. It is from Mr Sunday Movies.
Young Justice to Return … on Teen Titans Go! (Really)
According to Newsarama, the group of DC young heroes known as Young Justice is returning to TV. Well, just for one episode. And it is one episode of Teen Titans
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Moved Up
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was scheduled to open on May 6, 2016. Warner Bros have moved up the release date to March 25, 2016. Batman V Superman was set
Petition For Weird Al to Headline Super Bowl Half Time
Ed Ball, big time NFL and Weird Al fan, has placed a petition on He is looking for 25,000 signatures to send to the NFL requesting Weird Al to
Video- Captain America: The Winter Soldier Delete Scene
Here is a deleted scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Maria Hill talks about loyalty to Jasper Sitwell in this clip. It is a fun deleted scene and makes me
Rosetta mission to Land on Comet 67P
The European Space Agency lanuched the Roetta mission 10 years ago. Tomorrow, this unmanned mission will land on Comet 67P. Over the ten years, it had to go around the sun
Munchkin Princesses
I saw these images on John Kovalic and laughed. I love both Steve Jackson’s Munchkin games and John Kovalic’s wonderful art. The humor of adding Princesses as an expansion pack
Video: Push For Pizza App
Five young men from Brooklyn, New York, created a new app. It was a simple idea that came from a joke. But they have an idea that many people with
Movie Trailer: Extraterrestrial
This is the trailer for the Sci Fi/Horror movie, Extraterrestrial. It is a pretty intense trailer. What happens when a group of friends discover a UFO crash? It all goes
Warner Bros Purchases Rights to Dragonriders of Pern Adaptions
Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of the Pern series is one of the most known and beloved sci fi/ fantasy book series. This series has twenty two books total. Warner Bros has
Nicole Perlman, Guardian of the Galaxy Writer
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy was a smash hit over the weekend. It blasted into Theaters with a total of $94.3 Million. A year ago, no one was projecting this movie
Movie Trailer: Stonehearst Asylum
Here is a really interesting and somewhat disturbing movie, Stonehearst Asylum. It tickles my weird and suspense filled geekiness. I am rally intrigued. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Web Comic: Dork Tower (Low Level Campaigns)
Here is a great comic from John Kovalic’s Dork Tower. This issue of this web comic discusses low level role playing game campaigns. Those were always hardest. You want to
Here is the highly anticipated episode 2 of the awesome web series, So Not Super. The story of the support group for supers with less useful abilities. We get our
Video Game Trailer: Official Shadow of Mordor
I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan (both the books and the movies). I have played other LOR based games and had fun but this game looks really
Movie Trailer- Atari: Game Over Trailer
We were all remind about the ET Atari came a few months ago when the huge amount of cartridges were discovered. this is the back story of how they were
Movie Trailer: NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 3
Night at the Museum is a fun geeky movie series for the whole family. It has fun action that everyone can watch. The third movies has the cast going to