Here is a longer look at the upcoming Godizilla movie. It includes several clips we have already seen but there is a new scene. I can’t wait to see this
Author: Larry Litle
Television Trailer: Constantine (NBC)
Here is a trailer for the upcoming NBC series Constantine. Constantine is based off the Horror comic book, Hellblazer, from DC Comics. Constantine was on the big screen about 10
Happy Belated Mother’s Day
I am not sure what happened but the Mother’s Day post was suppose to be added yesterday. As you can see, it wasn’t added. Here is a belated Mother’s Day
Video: If “FROZEN” Was A Horror Movie
Here is an interesting take on the movie Frozen. They have taken some scenes and added music to make it look like a horror film. This is a fun take
Review: Trek Con Springfield
I spent the day at Springfield, Missouri’s first Star Trek Convention, Trek Con Springfield. This is the inaugural year for this convention. I started the day by wondering the convention center.
Disney Plans At Least Three Star Wars Spin Offs
According Moviepilot, Disney is planning a minimum of three Star Wars Spin off movies but could be numerous movies over time. Disney seems to make these type of announcements at
ABC Picks Up Marvel’s Agent Carter
The ABC Network, who is owned by Disney, has picked up a second network television series from Marvel, also owned by Disney. They have just renewed Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D for
Web Comic: Girls That Play Videogames
Why do some guys believe girls shouldn’t be allowed to be a geek? They believe girls only pretend to like KOOL things like video games. They instantly become defensive when they see
Video- Net Neutrality in the US: Now What?
I (Larry) am a pretty conservative person in life. I think the government is too involved with most aspects of our lives. But there is a time and place for
Movie Trailer- X-Men: Days of Future Past (Clip- Wolverine Meets Beast)
Here is the X-Men clip where Wolverine goes to the Xavier Institute to find the young Professor Xavier. He comes face to face with Hank “The Beast” McCoy. This clip
Web Series: The Lego HISHE
Here is a fun video from How It Should Have Ended. This video shows how the Lego movie should have ended. It is from the perspective of Lego Superman and
Friday Starts Trek Con Springfield
We are less than 2 days away from the opening of Trek Con Springfield. Trek Con Springfield is the first full Star Trek Convention to come to Springfield, MO. Here at
Video: Star Wars Rap
I love funny Star Wars videos. Here is a great rap video with Star Wars characters acted out by Jennifer Landa and set in the 77. Of course rap hit the
Comic: Trouble with Wonder Woman
This is a great comic strip that helps point out the ridiculous thoughts about Wonder Woman. We continue to hear how Wonder Woman couldn’t support her own movie. The excuses
Legion of Leia
I first came across Legion of Leia on May the Fourth (Be With You). The Legion of Leia is a movement page on Facebook and on Twitter (@LegionofLeia) to help promote women in science fiction.
Movie Trailer- X-Men: Days of Future Past (CLIP-Boardroom)
Here is a KOOL clip from the upcoming movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past. It focuses on Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence ) and Trask. It is a ton of fun. Stay
Video: Star Wars Cantina Band Auditions
Here is a funny video from CollegeHumor. It is an auditions for the Cantina Band from Star Wars. There is several musicians that are applying for the opening. It features in
Movie Trailer: Godzilla (CLIP- Let Them Fight)
Here is an interesting movie clip from the upcoming Godzilla movie. I am so into this right now. It is so very KOOL! I love the shot of a monster
May the Fourth Be With You
Today is May the Fourth or better known as Star Wars Day. It is a day to celebrate the awesomeness of Star Wars. I am reminded of how Star Wars
Video: Free Comic Book Day Song by Talkin’ Comics Weekly
Here is a great video and song about Free Comic Book Day. It is by Amy Dallen’s Talkin’ Comics Weekly. It is a web series from Geek and Sundry on Youtube.