I am excited about this movie. I love the whole Winter Soldier saga for Captain America. The poster is a bit plain but it is the first image for C.A.:
Author: Larry Litle
George Perez moves to BOOM! Studios.
According to CBR, Comic book artist and writer George Perez has signed an exclusive contract with BOOM! Studios. His contract is a more secure than most artists. He will start
Google Celebrates the 66th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident
Google is the master of creating awesome Google Doodles to celebrate various anniversaries and birthdays. Today they are celebrating the 66th Anniversary of the Roswell Alien crash or should I
Comic Sneak Peek: Black Science
Wow! What great images from Rick Remender’s upcoming comic series, Black Science. Matteo Scalera and Dean White will handle the beautiful art on this Image comic. If you like science
Previews has a KOOL S-Mart Shirt
I have always wanted to dress like Ash. I could wear it out and see how many people actually figure it out. I could throw out a few good Ash
Image of the DAY: Boba Fett
Today’s image of the day comes from Brian Michael Bendis Tumblr account. I love this drawing of Boba Fett. Stay Geeky my Friends!
Movie Trailer: Mortal instruments
This movie looks very interesting. I have heard wonderful things about the books. Check it out.
Heroes, Villains, and Me: What I Want in a Wonder Woman Movie
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is
Movie Trailer: Pacific Trailer (Final Trailer)
This is the final trailer for Pacific Rim. I won’t know until next week if this movie is all I hoped but I do know that all of the trailers
Movie Trailer: Snowpiercer
Global Warming causes a massive new Ice Age in the future. The only humans to survive are on this super train that moves around the world. A class system, Front
Movie Trailer: Riddick
This trailer looks pretty KOOL for Riddick. I really like this character in both Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick. This movie appears to move back toward his roots in
Video: Beware the Batman Intro
This is an unusual opening sequence for the new Batman series. It leaves me with several questions. Firstly, why is the trailer so RED? That is not a traditional Batman
Movie Trailer: SyFy’s Sharknado
The SyFy Channel is notorious for their B Movies. This one has to be a new level of B movie for SyFy. You are scared of Tornadoes and Sharks so
Happy Independence Day
We at Geeky KOOL would like to wish a Happy independence Day to all of our readers in the U.S.A. This is the day where we celebrate the Declaration of
Video: STORMTROOPER DANCE OFF (Course the Force)
This was a ton of fun but yet a bit disturbing. I just loved the dance off. Check it out. Stay Geeky my Friends!
Trailer: In Saturn’s Rings
I simply love Space stuff. Ever since I was a small child, I have loved photos and information about space. Heck, I still would love to live on the Moon
Stan Lee Confirms Doctor Strange and Black Panther Movies
While at Wizard World New York, Stan “The Man” Lee stated that Marvel is working on a several new projects for their Phase Three. He mentioned Ant-Man and Guardian of
July is Superior Spider-Man Month
Marvel is referring to July 2013 as Superior Spider-Man Month. This is a new focus on Spider-Man related comic books this month. Look for Superior issues starting on Wednesday. Last
Video: Stan Lee Talks About Star Trek
This is a great video of Stan The Man Lee talking about similarities of his created characters and Star Trek. Check it out. This video is from geek-news.mtv.com. Get More:
Video: “Nothing To Prove,” The Doubleclicks
Here is a great song about the “Fake Geek Girl” nonsense. The Doubleclicks tell us that they have nothing to prove and shouldn’t have to have their Geek Cred tested.