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Author: Larry Litle
Video: PACIFIC RIM – Official “Kaiju” Featurette #5
This is a really KOOL featurette about the Kaijus (aka Monsters). We learn about Del Toro’s views on men in monster suits. Check it out. Below is my favorite quote
Image of the DAY: Steam Punk Iron Man
This is a really KOOL image from the Geek News Network Facebook page.
Movie Trailer: Europa Report
This movie looks really KOOL. It has potential to be a great science fiction film. I am looking forward to viewing it. Stay Geeky my Friends!
Video: Pacific Rim Featurette – Under Attack
This featurette is fantastic. I am so geeking out on this movie. Stay Geeky my Friends!
Video: They Are Taking the Hobbits to ISENGARD (Song by Orlando Bloom)
The filming of the Hobbit trilogy is rapping up. We saw Sir Ian McKellen last day earlier in the week. This is a tribute to Orlando Bloom and the scene
Image of the DAY: Zombie Catocalypse
I saw this image and had to share. This Zombie Catocalypse is from the artist Minna Sundberg’s Deviantart page. Minna has some really KOOL images on her page. Check it
Video: The Graham Norton Show — with Russell Crowe, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams
The Graham Norton Show is a British talk show where Graham Norton interviews celebrities. This episode he has Man of Steel’s Russell Crowe, Henry Cavill, and Amy Adams. This is
Video: Byzantium – Official Trailer
Here is a vampire movie that looks thought out and intellectual. It is from the creators of Interview with a Vampire. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Game Trailer: Battlefield 4: Official “Siege of Shanghai” Multiplayer Trailer
I love the Battlefield series. Battlefield 1942 is my favorite of the group so far. This game looks like a ton of fun. There is a mammoth amount of first
Image of the DAY: George Perez Holding Supergirl
George Perez has been a fantastic comic artists for decades. Probably his most famous comic image is the cover of Crisis on Infinite Earths # 7. He is recreating it
Movie News: Terminator Rebooted
Paramount announced that they will be bringing Terminator back to the big screen. There had been rumors about a Terminator 5. Speculation had this movie picking up where Terminator 4
Cartoon: Why Cleavage?
Stay Geeky My Friends!
Heroes, Villains, and Me: Shogun Warrirors
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is
Ender’s Game Propaganda Posters
I am really looking forward to the Ender’s Game movie. It is based on 1985 science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. It won the Nebula Award for best novel in
Image of the DAY: Steam Punk Batman
This image is from the Dirigible Days Pinterest page. They have several other KOOL Steam Punk images including a Joker and Catwoman. Check it out. Stay Geeky my Friends.
Game Trailers: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Here are a few game trailers for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows. Each one specialized and focused on one of the Turtles. So far, they have
Movie Trailer: Pacific Rim- “At the Edge”
I try to keep a level perspective about upcoming movies. I rarely get so psyched for a movie because I have been extremely disappointed in the past. I have not
Videos: Lego Marvel Superheroes (Spider-Man and Iron Man)
Here are a couple of fun trailer for the upcoming Lego Marvel Superheroes. The first one is the Spider-Man trailer. I love the whole ice Cream gag. This second trailer