I used to love listening to re-runs of the Chicken Man radio show. In college, I used to plan my morning around listening to the episodes. I hope this is
Author: Larry Litle
Video: Leonard Nimoy on ‘Vincent’
I had no idea that Nimoy wrote and acted in a play based on Vincent Van Gogh. I learned several things about Vincent just from this short video. Very KOOL
Movie Trailer: Elysium
This movie is growing on me. It looks pretty KOOL. I definitely want to watch this film.
Heroes, Villains, and Me: The 10 Worst Super Powers
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Movie Trailer: 300: Rise of an Empire
I enjoyed the first 300 but it was very graphic and violent. I get the feeling that the sequel will be even more graphic. It is definitely geeky and KOOL.
Movie Trailer: THE WOLVERINE – (International #2)
I might be a sucker but I am buying in on The Wolverine. Wolverine:Origins was not great but I have seen worse. This movie appears to be a huge step
Driverless Cars Infograph
This is a KOOL Infograph. This has all the info about how Driverless Cars started and where they are going. Check out the original at moneysupermarket.com.
Movie Trailer: The Desolation of Smaug
This is so KOOL. I love the images of Smaug and the Barrel scenes. I can’t wait to see it on the big screen.
TV Trailer: The White Queen
You can tell Game of Thrones is extremely popular. This new series from BBC One and Starz is very KOOL looking. It appears to be a cross between Game of
Comic Book Review: Critter Volume One
While I was at C2E2 earlier in the year, I was yearning to pick up a new comic title to check out. The Big Dog Ink (BDI) booth had a
Movie Trailer: White House Down
This looks like a fun action movie. Didn’t we just have another action movie were the White House was taken earlier in the year? Yes we did. I am not
Movie Trailer: The Family
This looks like a fun mobster movie. Kind of reminds me of “Analysis This” but it is completely different.
Movie Trailer: Paranoia
This looks like a fun suspense action movie. This is a geeky movie that my wife will enjoy which is a double bonus. Check it out.
Desolation of Smaug Poster
This poster is so KOOL. I love the entrance to the Cave I know a ton of people didn’t enjoy the Hobbit as much as I did. But I thought
Never Take A Wookie’s Lightsaber
According to the Daily Mail, Peter Mayhew played Chewbacca in 4 Star Wars movies and one Holiday Special (Lucas wishes we would forget about that Holiday Special). The TSA (Transportation
TV Trailer: Being Human (UK) Final Season
I loved the first few seasons of Being Human. In fact, I always preferred the British version over the U.S. version. Well, until they killed off all of the main
Movie Trailer: Getaway
This looks like a fun action movie. I am not a Selena Gomez fan but it looks good.
Movie Trailer: Runner, Runner
Yes I know this is a Affleck and Timberlake movie. But it does look like a KOOL movie. This movie has action and intrigue. It looks like fun.
Comic Book Review: Legends of Oz: Scarecrow #1
This comic is issue 1 of a 2 part miniseries prequel to the Legends of Oz: Wild West series. It focuses on the character of the Scarecrow. She is one
Geek Unplugged (Almost)
My family and I are on vacation. We are staying at a resort in Branson, MO for the week. We made the short trek to Branson on Saturday afternoon and