I love Pitch Black. I really enjoyed Chronicles of Riddick. I hope this movie rocks like Pitch Black.
Author: Larry Litle
Welcome Tilford Harrison: Newest Geeky KOOL Writer
I am proud to announce that Geeky KOOL has added Tilford Harrison to our writing staff at Geeky KOOL. You can check out Tilford’s first article for Geeky KOOL: Event: Superman
The Dark Empire :Costuming Organization
Most conventions goers are familiar with the 501st Legion. This is a group of cosplayers (costume players) who dress up as Storm Troopers, Imperial Officers, and occasionally Darth Vader himself.
Movie Trailer: Hammer of the gods
THis movie looks inspired from Game of Thrones. Fantasy is a big deal now days with the popularity of Game of Thrones. I love a good Fantasy story. I hope
Video: Strega: On the successful funding of Dirigible Days: 998
Here is a special message for Strega (villain from Dirigible Days). Strega is commenting on the futility of the funding of the comic book- Dirigible Days 998. It is a
Webcomic Fights for Right to Use Term “Superhero”
The term “Superhero” is a copyrighted term. It is co-owned by both DC and Marvel since the early 1980s. No other comic book company can use this term. We couldn’t
Star Wars Trilogy As Pulp Art
Timothy Anderson has some really KOOL art. This is not the first time I have admired it. Some of his art has been my wishlist because I think it is
Matt Smith Will Leave Doctor Who after the Christmas 2013 Special
According to the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), Matt Smith will be leaving his role as the Doctor after this year’s Christmas Special. The Doctor will die and regenerate at the
Fangrabs: The Netflix of Graphic Novels
I have recently become acquainted with a new service out there for comic book fans. Fangrabs is service that will send you graphic novels, manga, and other related books to your home
VIDEO: Skywalker Family Tree
This is a fun video showing the family tree of the Skywalker family. Many of the members are from the extended universe in the books. It will interesting to see
Pacific Rim Featurette – Robot Sets
I can’t wait for Pacific Rim. I just love all of the trailers and Featurettes. This movie looks so KOOL and it opens on my birthday.
Free Artist Alley Tables at Central Comicon
Kansas City will be hosting Central Comicon on August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. They are still confirming many of their guests for this convention. It looks like a good time.
Comic Geeks Web Series Needs Your Help to Meet Kickstarter
Comic Geeks is a purposed web series with a Kickstarter account. They need $25,000 but only have $5,798 pledged. The worst part is the deadline is just over 24 hours
Video: How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended
I really love the How ______ Should Have Ended videos. This one is sensationally funny. Check it out.
Image of the DAY: T-Rex At A Wedding
This is a super KOOL image from Quinn Miller Photography. What a fun wedding but then the T-Rex crashed the party. (Via I09)
Movie Trailer: Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Here is the second look at the new Percy Jackson movie. It has Nathan Fillion so it can’t be all bad- right? Actually, it looks pretty good to me.
Video: Mine of Steel: Superman in Minecraft Trailer
Minecraft is such a popular game right now. It only makes sense that someone made a Minecraft Man of Steel trailer. Check out this really KOOL and fun trailer.
Video: Who Are Geek Girls- Panel- Wizard World St. Louis 2013
The video from the Geek Girl Panel from Wizard World St. Louis is here. After a few months with issues and problems, the video is finally ready to watch. Please
How Does the Man of Steel Shave?
This is a question that has been burning with many comic fans for decades. How does Superman shave since his skin and hair are impenetrable? 1) Bill Nye’s Theory 2)
I loved the Young Justice cartoon. I was well made and a ton of fun. If only they would make a great Teen Titans cartoon like they did for Young