We posted the 30 second trailer a couple of days ago. Now ABC has released the full 3 minute trailer. This is completely Geeky and KOOL! Welcome to Level 7.
Author: Larry Litle
Movie Trailer: Epic Featurette – Mythology
This movie looks like fun summer movie to take the kids to see. It has humor and action to keep you awake.
Amazing Spider-Man 2’s Gwen Stacy Wears A Sobering Outfit
Above is a picture of Emma Stone on the set of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Pay close attention to the her outfit. This is a classic outfit from the Amazing
S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D. Cards for the New Show
These KOOL images are from ABC. I love these cards. I can’t wait to watch the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Movie Trailer: Man of Steel
Here is another awesome trailer for Man of Steel. Why didn’t they lead with these trailers? These are KOOL and exciting and make me actually desire to see a new
TV Trailer: The Blacklist (NBC)
This show looks very intriguing. We have seen this premise in numerous shows and movies before but this one has James Spader. Spader has the innate ability to play the
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Gets Picked Up and a Teaser Trailer
ABC has now officially picked up the new series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Colston will return (from the grave) and run this special ops division of S.H.I.E.L.D. This series
Happy Mother’s Day from Monster’s University
Happy Mother’s Day from the other major animated sequel of the summer. Monster’s University expresses their own Happy Mother’s Day message.
Happy Mothers Day from Despicable Me 2
I loved the first Despicable Me movie (much to my surprise). This sequel looks really good. I love the shout out for Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!
Movie Trailer: Gravity
I am torn on this movie. It looks really KOOL but I dislike George Clooney. I am not sure if I can stomach George long enough to watch this movie.
Disney May Create a Star Wars Theme Park
During this last week, Disney CEO Bob Iger made comment about a potential Star Wars Theme park. These comments has caught blaze to the internet. Could Disney pull the trigger
Patton Oswalt’s Star Wars Filibuster
I had a friend tell me about this improv on Parks and Rec by Patton Oswalt. Only about 20 second were used in the episode. This is hysterical as a
Character RUMORS for Avengers 2
I have been seeing this specific rumor for several days around the internet. The rumor has the twin brother and sister duo of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in the movie
C2E2- CosPlay- Part 4
Loki has never looked so good. Hunting Walkers we go. Female Rick and Female Daryl protected C2E2 from zombies. Watch out heroes, Lady Deathstrike and Bane (Lady Bane) are here
Mark Hamill Discusses Star Wars
Mark Hamill appeared at the May the 4th anniversary screening of Return of the Jedi at the Egyptian Theater as part of Entertainment Weekly’s CapeTown Film Festival. He had a question
Video: MRC (Moms Read Comics): The Hangout for May 6, 2013 (Episode 12)
This is a funny Video podcast that I am enjoying. This week, Kelly Sue DeConnick is their guest on the MRC: The Hangout. This episode goes into some humorous but
Star Trek Into Darkness Clip: Meet Carol
This is a very interesting clip from the upcoming movie. Our thoughts about Carol have come to fruition. The friction between her and Spock looks intriguing.
Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy: The Challenge
Yes this is an Audi commercial but it is wonderful and funny. I love the Trek references, the Bilbo Baggins song, and yes even the lense flairs. This is a
Web Comic: Lady Sabre & The Pirates of the Ineffable Aether
Lady Sabre & The Pirates of the Ineffable Aether is a wonderful steampunk webcomic. It was created by the Greg Rucka and Rick Burchett. It is a great adventure starring
Movie Trailer: Man of Steel – TV Spot 3
This trailer for the new Man of Steel movie looks really KOOL. It is so much better than the first trailer. What the heck is destroying the earth. It appears