Tech Crunch has an interesting article about the open source of the Android is finally making a difference to consumers in general. The new Facebook app for Android is a
Author: Larry Litle
Happy Easter from Geeky KOOL
We just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very happy Easter and happy Passover.
Geek Girls Are Real
Julie Wilhelm, Dirigible Days actress- Cosplayer- and Geek Girl Panelist, has created a wonderful Facebook page, Geek Girls Are Real. This is more than just a standard geek girl site. This
Movie Trailer: Iron Man 3: Pepper Potts in Armor
A friend of mine asked about a Pepper Potts centered trailer. I found Geeky KOOL didn’t have it posted so here it is. This is for you Anna. Pepper in
Conversations with Comic Writers: Part 1- Christopher Orndoff of Head Metal Comics
Last weekend at Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con, I had a few fun conversations with some comic book writers. I have a fondness for comic book writers. When I
Video Game Trailer: STAR TREK: THE VIDEO GAME — Shatner vs. Gorn Trailer
I love this trailer. It shows some really KOOL video moments. But the fact the Shatner is playing the video game with the old style Gorn is hysterical. The fight
KOOL Pacific Rim Images
Here are some KOOL images from the upcoming movie Pacific Rim. It premieres on July 12th.
Heroes, Villians, and Me: Don’t Be That Guy at the Con
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Happy Birthday Nathan Fillion
Happy Birthday to Captain Tightpants. Nathan Fillion is 42 years of age today. Today, Nathan’s age is the answer to life, universe, and everything. Here is a clip to honor
Movie Trailer: The Wolverine
This movie trailer looks awesome. After the origin movie, I was not excited for this movie. But my mind has been changed with this trailer.
Cosplay @ Wizard World St. Louis part 2
Here is the second part of the Cosplay photos I took at Wizard World St. Louis Comic Convention. This brought a BIG smile to my face. I have never seen
Happy Belated Anniversary Geeky KOOL
Over the weekend, Geeky KOOL celebrated their First Anniversary. This occurred while Valerie and I were enjoying the Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con. I had great intentions to post on this
Happy Birthday Leonard Nimoy
Today is Leonard Nimoy’s 82nd birthday. We at Geeky KOOL hope Mr. Nimoy has a wonderful birthday and many more to come. His performance as Spock has shaped many of our childhoods.
Cosplay @ Wizard World St. Louis part 1
Here are photos of some of the Cosplayers at Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con. WWSL had a bunch of great Cosplay. I wanted to share these photos with our
Video: Doctor Who- The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel
Doctor Who mid-season 7 premiere is this weekend. Here is a prequel to wet your appetite. Enjoy Whovians.
Saturday @ Wizard World St. Louis
Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con premiered on Friday March 22nd and ran through Sunday March 24th. I was unable to attend Friday’s events. I heard a great report about
Movie Clip: The Hobbit- The Desolation Of Smaug
Here is the first clip from The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug. It might get taken down. I am posting it because it is very KOOL. The Content was removed
Movie Trailer: Iron Man 3 (TV Spot)
This is a fun trailer for Iron Man 3. The last few have been a bit more dark. I cannot wait to see this movie. BTW, Stan Lee stated his
Here are the first three episodes of a wonderful fun webseries: THE DANGER ELEMENT. THE DANGER ELEMENT is a web series that meshes several geek styles together. It is an