I love a good blooper reel. If you have enjoyed Dirigible Days as I have, then check out their Blooper Reel.
Author: Larry Litle
Do You Have What It Takes To Join Cobra?
Now this looks really KOOL. They have not really updated the trailer for the new GI Joe movie but this banner and video are awesome. Check it out.
Movie Trailer: Byzantium
This movie looks bizarre and unusual but it could be a really KOOL. It definitely is not family friendly.
Star Trek App for Android
There is a new KOOL app for the Android for Star Trek fans. This app has special updates, linked for tickets and games to earn point to unlock special features.
Music Video: PS I Love You (Robin Sparkles- HIMYM)
I love the Robin Sparkle videos on How I Met Your Mother. Here is the latest music video that was discovered. It is the grunge version of Robin Sparkles. I
Movie Trailer: The Lone Ranger (Extended Super Bowl Spot)
This movie looks better with each new trailer. This is the Extended trailer from the Super Bowl spot.
Movie Trailer: Oz The Great and Powerful (Super Bowl Spot)
There is not a lot new scenes in this Super Bowl trailer. The Flying Monkeys at the end are KOOL and furious.
Movie Trailer: Iron Man 3 (Super Bowl Spot) — Including Extended Edition
This Super Bowl trailer for Iron Man 3 with Air Force One is awesome. This new ad for Iron Man 3 has me excited for this movie in May. There
Star Trek Into Darkness (Super Bowl Spot)
Here is the Super Bowl trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness.
Movie Trailer: John Dies at the End (Trailer #2)
This movie is strange and unique and very likely fun. This might be the next Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure or even Buckaroo Banzai. Or it might just be strange
Happy Groundhog Day- Video Fun
Happy Groundhog Day! Lets not do this again tomorrow. Since it is Groundhogs day (for another hour), I thought I would share my favorite scene from Groundhog Day.
Heroes, Villains, and Me- Comic Book Cartoons
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
TV Trailer: Bates Motel – Motherly Love
I love the original Psycho. It was a fantastic thriller that kept me on the edge of the seat. The sequels never thrilled me. A prequel television series in intriguing.
DNA’s Imformation Storage Is Potentially Unlimited
Science continues to amaze me. DNA now can be used for storing data in high quality and quantity of data. DNA runs through all life and is plentiful. Currently this can only
Movie Trailer: Space Pirate Captain Harlock
(Caution- Trailer has mild animated nudity- female bottom) This movie looks really KOOL. The animation is great. This is a science fiction animated pirate film- Fantastic. Check it out. (via
Image of the DAY: Steampunk 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse
This is an awesome picture from Shades of Earth’s Deviant Art. They have numerous other KOOL images on their site including some Doctor Who images.
Image of the DAY: Iron Man Falls Out of the Sky
Image via Iron Man’s Facebook Page. This looks so KOOL. I can’t wait to see Iron Man 3.
Marvel Confirms Ant-Man and Doctor Strange Movies for 2015
In a recent interview with MTV Splashpage, Marvel’s Kevin Feige announced Ant-Man and Doctor Strange movies for 2015. They will be a part of the Marvel Waive 3 movies. 2015 will
Animated Movie Short: Paperman
This is a great animated short from Disney. It is very KOOL. Check it out.
Empire’s Man of Steel Cover
This is a great cover with the Man of Steel. Henry Cavill looks good as Superman. This is the New 52 Costume without the briefs. This is the cover of