Here is a trailer for a new series on BBC America. A young lady discovers there are several other young ladies that look just like her out in the world.
Author: Larry Litle
TV Trailer: 2013 Doctor Who Season Preview
Check out the trailer for the 2013 Doctor Who Season. I am excited for the new season.
Video: The Walking Dead Christmas Special
This video is has blood and cursing. It is similar to the Walking Dead television series. Parental Guidance is suggested.
Merry Christmas from Geeky KOOL
The staff at Geeky KOOL wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We hope you will be safe and have a joyous season. We will
Christmas Memories
When I think back to the Christmas vacations of my childhood, a flood of wonderful memories over take me. I remember one grandmother had a white fake Christmas tree with
Top Ten Christmas Movies
Here at Geeky KOOL, we will throw in regular Christmas posts through Christmas. It will include lists, memories, and much more. Here is a my list of favorite Christmas specials.
Santa’s Elves with Lightsabers
I love this video. I posted it last year but it still makes me smile. Check it out.
Video: The Science of Superman
This is an awesome video. It is around 45 minutes long. There are scientific explanations on what might be possible and what is not at all possible. My science geek
Video: Happy Holidays from Katniss – BAMF Girls Club
I love the BAMF Girl web series. It is very creative with bringing in major female characters from geek movies. Here is a Holiday wish from Katniss (of the Hunger
Video: The Hobbit Games (Parady Mashup of the Hobbit and Hunger Games)
This is really fun and amusing. I love this mashup of The Hobbit and the Hunger Games, two of the biggest films of the year. It is clever and fun.
Videos: Absolute Radio- Absolute Nativity 3: Dude Where is My Donkey?
This is absolutely hysterical while being a bit sac religious. David Tennant plays the role of the Virgin Mary on this radio show presentation. It is worth watching and laughing
Image of the DAY- Galactus on 12-21-12
I am loving this image on the “End of the World Day”. So much hype and yet here we are. The Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer must have saved
Top Ten Pseudo Christmas Movies
We have less than one week until Christmas. Here at Geeky KOOL, we will throw in regular Christmas posts through Christmas. It will include lists, memories, and much more. Here
Video: Amazon Life
What if you could order anything you desire from Amazon? Yes I mean anything. Check out this video to see what two ladies order.
Video: Doctor Who: ‘The First Question’ – The Extended Cut – 50th Anniversary
I am excited about Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary. This show looks like a ton of fun. I would love to get my hands on some of the Classic Doctor Who
Doctor Who Hannuka Dreidel
These are really KOOL. This is for all my Jewish friends who are into Doctor Who. Maybe one of them can teach me how to play Dreidel. These images are
Doctor Who Christmas Special commercial
This is the newest Doctor Who Christmas Special commercial. It is geektastic.
Top Ten Christmas Movies
We have one week until Christmas. Here at Geeky KOOL, we will throw in regular Christmas posts through Christmas. It will include lists, memories, and much more. Here is a
Movie Trailer: Star Trek Into the Darkness– Extended
This extended trailer is almost 2 minutes long. It is not the preview shown before the Hobbit in the IMax Theaters. That is expected on the web later in the