Here is a KOOL internet clip that is a prequel to the Doctor Who Christmas special for 2012. Check it out before watching the Christmas special with the killer snowmen.
Author: Larry Litle
Video: Happy Holidays from Hermione – BAMF Girls Club
I love the comedy webseries BAMF Girls Club. This is a great Holiday greeting from Hermione. I hope you enjoy.
Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Peter Jackson takes us back to the land of Middle Earth with this prequel to the Lord of the Rings movies. The book of the Hobbit was written by Tolkien
Win The Mobile Nations 2013 CES Experience
Are you interested in attending CES, Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas? How about free air fare and hotel accommodation? Six lucky winners will win. has the article on it.
Why you should be excited about “Man of Steel”
Article by Guest Contributor: Aaron Frater Superman is a stupid superhero in my opinion. He’s basically invulnerable, yet gets undone by the simplest of villains. His arch nemesis is a
Video: NASA Johnson Style
I am pretty tired of all the Gangnam Style videos. The spoofs can be funny. This was is very funny and KOOL since it is from NASA.
Thoughts and Prayers for Newton, Connecticut
We extend our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers out to Sandy Hook School and the whole Newton, Connecticut community. Our hearts are broken with this tragic shooting at this elementary. As a parent of
First Person Shooter Game Metro 2033 for FREE
It came to my attention today that a KOOL First Person shooter games are now free to download and play. It is a bit older but the price is right.
Comic Swap! Brings Auctions and Swapping For Comics Only
I have bought a few comics from E-Bay over the years. My experience has been very positive over all. But with E-Bay, it can be difficult to drill down to
Movie Posters: The Wolverine
The top one is from the US Movie Site for The Wolverine. The bottom one is a motion poster from the International website for The Wolverine. Both are really
Original Writing- Poem: My Heart
My Heart By Larry Litle December 11, 2012 My heart still believes I am yet a young man My body knows the Truth Yet isn’t love for the young? Pitter
Heroes, Villains, and Me: New Captain Carrot?
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Movie Trailer: Pacific Rim
This is so KOOL. Giant monsters attacking the world. Humanity creates giant robots to fight back. I was half expecting giant lion robots to form a bigger giant robots.
Video: Star Wars Style
This post is for my daughter. She is a big fan of Gangnam Style. I am sure she will enjoy this.
Web Series: DIRIGIBLE DAYS EP 4 – “Hierophant Unbound”
Here is episode 4 of DIRIGIBLE DAYS. I have to admit, I am loving this series. The writing is really good. I love the steam punk effects. I am now
Movie Trailer: The Lone Ranger (Trailer #2)
Today must be movie trailer day. Here is another one. I am a huge fan of the Lone Ranger since I was a kid. I have been enjoying the comic
Movie Trailer: Man of Steel (Trailer #2)
Here is the new Man of Steel trailer. In my opinion, the trailer was almost a bit depressing. It looks more like Smallville than the old Superman movies. So far,
Music Video: Please Bring Firefly Back for Christmas
The title alone about says it all. Check out the fun video. It is not my usual style of music but neither was the Firefly Intro Theme and I love
Movie Trailer: All Superheroes Must Die
I have never thought of combining Saw with Mystery Men. It looks like an interesting combination. It could be really KOOL. It will only show in limited theaters but will
Movie Trailer: After Earth
I really like Will Smith. I have enjoyed several M. Night Shyamalan movies. There are some similarities to Oblivion with the post human Earth. I am looking forward to checking