I am excited for this show. It looks intriguing and KOOL.
Author: Larry Litle
Heroes, Villains, and Me:10 Favorite Comics I Am Reading
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Director Tony Scott Died at 68 Years of Age
Director Tony Scott, brother to Ridley Scott, passed away today. Tony Scott directed several movies such as “Top Gun”, “Man On Fire”, “Enemy of the State”, and “Days of Thunder”.
Picture of the Day: Doctor Who Cookie Cutters
Nick Maradin put this picture on his Flickr account. He made these for a friend’s Christmas present. “Steel hand bent and then held together at the ends with two machine
ABC Developing a Steam Punk Tom and Huck TV Show
According to The Hollywood Reporter, ABC is developing a new Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn television series. If it gets green lighted, the series will focus on Tom and Huck
Picture of the Day: Avengers-Super Skrull
What an awesome picture from artist Jeremy Love. This image was concept art piece for an Avengers video game from SEGA. The video game was canceled (way to bad- what
Top 10 Science Fiction Shows Canceled Too Soon
Here is my list of the Top 10 Science Fiction Shows Canceled Too Soon. I loved each of these series. Some of them as were never given a chance. Some were
Video: Expendables- The Replacements from MLB
Along with being a huge geek, I am a big sports fan. This is a hysterical auditions to replace the stars of the Expendables. I love the Derek Holland clips.
TV Trailer: Robot Chicken’s DC Comics Special
I love the Star Wars Robot Chicken Specials. I hope the DC Comics Special is as good.
TV Trailer: Fringe Season 5
Can’t Wait for this show to come back.
Movie Trailer: Rise of the Guardians
FUN for all ages. I am excited about this movie. It looks great.
Movie Trailer: Life of Pi
This is an interesting looking movie. I am not sure if it will be geeky KOOL or a snooze fest. I hope it will be awesome.
Movie Trailer: Paranorman
This looks like a fun and spooky movie. It should be a fun movie for my pre-adolescence daughter.
Movie Trailer: Premium Rush
This movie looks like fun. It could be high action or it could be a dud.
Quote of the Day: Being a Geek
I pulled this down from the Star Wars Talk Show Facebook page. I had to share. I agree with it 100%. I am kind of geeking out over it.
Heroes, Villains, and Me: Comic Books VS Comic Book Movies
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
1960’s Batman Clip: Bomb
“Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb.” It must have been a Monday. I am having this kind of day.
Fan Movie- Batman: Puppet Master
Batman: Puppet Master is a fan made mini movie. It is very well done and lots of fun. It introduces the Riddler and the Puppet Master into Nolan’s Batman world.
Picture of the Day: Diaper Box AT-AT
This picture comes from OffbeatMama.com. She made this at home and gives the details on how to create it. Very KOOL if you have those Huggies boxes laying around.
Geek Zodiac
I am not a believer in the Zodiac. But I found this to be geeky fun. I am a Samurai (or Ninja but I prefer Samurai). I pulled