I am not a big fan of making movies 3D. I don’t think it adds much to most movies and the cost at the box office is too high for
Author: Larry Litle
The Zurvivalist
I have recently discovered The Zurvivalist. It is a podcast about surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. It is a ten minute audio interview podcast. Check out the below Youtube or you can
TV Trailer: Doctor Who Season 7
After I posted the image of Doctor Who as yesterday’s picture of the day, they have now released the trailer for Season 7. check it out and enjoy.
Picture of the Day: TheDoctor/Amy/Daleks
This is a great promotional picture for Doctor Who Season 7.
Movie Clip: Iron Sky– Helium 3
Here is a clip from the movie, Iron Sky. I have been promoting this movie for over a year. Nazis on the dark side of the moon and attacking Earth.
TV Trailer: Zero Hour
For some reason, I am just now finding this trailer. This show looks really KOOL in a lost sort of way. I am not sure this show will make it
Movie Trailer: World War Z
Here is another zombie movie. It is based off the humorous book with the same name. It looks like fun.
Real Functional Mech Robot
You knew someone would eventually make an operational Mech Warrior. It makes complete sense that it would be a company in Japan that would accomplish it. This is great video.
Video: Welcome To Creepyville
Welcome to Creepyville is an animated webseries. Below is the first episode. If you enjoy it, check Youtube for more episode. Creepyville is not my usual cup of tea. It
Movie Trailer: Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo
This short film looks fun. It has the old time Godzilla feel to it. I am looking forward to it. A Godzilla feel is very geeky KOOL. I introduced my
5 Year Old’s Surprise Star Wars Birthday Party with Special Jedi
It is not unusual for a five year old boy to be into Star Wars. It would be fun for the five year old (or me) to have a Star
Movie Preview: Skyfall
I love a good (or even a bad) James Bond movie. I am looking forward to seeing Skyfall. I have enjoyed Daniel Craig as Bond.
Alex the Kid: Video and Album
The fine folk over at Dirigible Days posted a link to the below video on the Dirigible Days Facebook page. The Steam Punk music video: Zombies is a blast. I love
Happy 40th Birthday Wil Wheaton
Today is Wil Wheaton’s 40th Birthday. Wheaton is best know for his role as Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation (Below Picture). Wil Wheaton is a self proclaimed
Google Fiber
As much as some people hate Google, they are great at innovating. Google Fiber is Google’s latest innovation. They are running fiber to communities to bring them better and faster internet. The
Movie Trailer: Cloud Atlas
I am not sure if this will be a really KOOL movie or a chick flick in the guise of a sci fi/ fantasy movie. Tom Hanks is a great
Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control
I would love to own a replica of a sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who. But how KOOL would it be to have a sonic screwdriver as a remote control. The
Picture of the Day-Yoda/Dr Seuss
My wife, Michelle, posted this on Facebook (from Pinterest). I loved it so much, I had to post it here.
Heroes, Villains, and Me: The Golden Age of Comic Book Movies
Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Video: Her Majesty and 007 Jump Into the Olympics
I am not a fan of opening and closing ceremonies for the Olympics. I will watch a ton of Olympic sports over the next two weeks. Because I was not