The The European Parliament of the European Union has firmly rejected the ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. The ACTA was Europe’s version of SOPA for internet security, anti-piracy, and intellectual property
Author: Larry Litle
Video: I Am a Marvel and I am a DC: Spider-Man Reboot part 1
I love these I am a Marvel and I am a DC videos on You Tube. If you have not seen any of them before, go back and check out
The Amazing Spider-Man Movie breaks opening Tuesday Record
The numbers are in for yesterday’s premire of The Amazing Spider-Man movie. It made approximately $35 Million its opening day on Tuesday July 3rd. This blows away the previous record
Stars and Stripes Forever- Muppet Style
Happy 4th of July/ Independence Day from Geeky KOOL and the Muppets.
Follow Up to Article: 14 Year Old Girl Petitions Seventeen Magazine
I originally wrote about the young lady, Julia Bluhm, on May 3rd. She organized a protest and photo shoot outside of Seventeen Magazine’s office. She was concerned with the body
Happy Independence Day
We at Geeky KOOL would like to wish a Happy independence Day to all of our readers in the U.S.A. This is the day we celebrate the Declaration of Independence
Marvel NOW– What is it?
The term “Marvel Now” has been bouncing around other geek sites for a day or so. I first read about it on Bleeding Cool (great site but they mis-spell KOOL).
Andy Griffith Passes Away
Today’s news of Andy Griffith’s death was not shocking but it is sad to me. Griffith was 86 years old and passed away at his home. The cause of death
Almost Universal Translator Coming to an App Near You
Almost Universal Translator Coming to an App Near You By Guest Writer: James Frater Born in 1963, I grew up during the tail end of the cold war. My wife
Movie Trailer: Sacrifice
I love a good martial art/Chinese history movie. It looks like a retelling of the story of Moses. This looks really KOOL.
Video: Pixels
New York is invaded and assimilated to 8 Bit video game characters. The conversion of the Big Apple to a pixelated version is fun. Check it out.
Movie Trailer: The Prototype
This movie looks creative and innovative. The concept of a man becoming a robot and being hunted by the government is an interesting movie premise. Check it out.
Escape From Planet Earth
This looks like a fun and geeky movie the kids could enjoy.
Heroes, Villains, and Me: Positives to Get Kids into Comics
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
The Tall Man Official Trailer 2012 (International)
This is a real creepy looking movie. Children are disappearing one at at time about ever 2 months. It is blamed on this Tall Man that is mystical. Jessica Biel
Picture of the Day: Stormtrooper Singing in the Rain
My Google+ friend, Jason Lee, posted this and I borrowed it from him.
FAKE Movie Trailer: Dora The Explorer (Live Action)
My Eleven year old daughter hates Dora. She used to love Dora when she was a preschooler but has swung the other way because Dora is for little kids. But
Mars One: Colonizing Mars
Mars One is an organization intent on colonizing Mars in 2023. They have a plan to prepare Mars for Colonists. Four humans will arrive on Mars Every two years afterwards
Project Glass: Live Demo At Google I/O
This is awesome. I love Google’s Project Glass. This will make cell phones as obsolete as home phones. It is in the keynote address posted earlier by Bryan. This is
Movie Trailer: Total Recall (International)
I continued to be amazed how Hollywood continues to remake every movie that previous had success. Here is another retread movie in Total Recall. But this trailer is making a believer out