This is an interesting take on the trailer. It focuses on Bruce Wayne insisting that he is retired from his Caped Crusader days. I am starting to feel like too
Author: Larry Litle
Video: Weird Al Interviews Patrick Stewart
I love Weird Al Yankovic. He is a great musician and a comedy genius in my book. His fake interview are a riot. Here he “interviews” Patrick Stewart. It is
Pictures of the Day May 29, 2012
I found both of these images on the Star Wars Fanbase Facebook page. I had to share them. The top one literally made me laugh out loud. The bottom one
movie Trailer: The Amazing Spider-Man (New Australian Trailer)
Here is the latest movie trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man from Australia. It is mostly the same as previous trailers. There is a lame line about going out the movie.
Happy Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day from Geeky KOOL. We honor those that died to serve, protect, and keep our freedoms. Thank you to all of our current service men and women in
Movie Trailer: The Expendables 2
I just saw the first one on Netflix. It was a fun action movie with tons of actions stars from the 80’s and 90’s. This sequel will have even more.
Movie Trailer: Skyfall (007)
The poster came out a couple of weeks ago but now the Movie Trailer is here for the latest James Bond. It looks very good.
Movie Trailer: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
This is a must see movie. It looks better and better with every trailer.
Happy 99th Birthday PeterCushing
Peter Wilton Cushing (1913–1994) is best known in the geek community for his portrayal of of Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars. Prior to Star Wars, Mr. Cushing was known for
Photos: Matt (The Doctor) Smith carries Olympic Torch and a Video Interview
The Doctor has been an Olympic torch carrier (on the show) and has assisted other torch carriers. Now Matt (11th Doctor) Smith is a torch carrier. It looks like he
Star Wars Trailer from 1977
To bring Geek Pride Day (and Towel Day and The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May) to an end, I wanted to share one last Star Wars Trailer. This is the original
Towel Day Quiz
Here is a link to the a fun Towel Day Quiz. I got 9 out of 10 and changed the answer I got wrong. I think both answers were
Video: Towel Day and Geek Pride Day
Nuff Said!
National Geek Pride Day Survey
This is a survey created by MODIS. They put it in a KOOL image file. I found it on – GeekDad.
Star Wars in New York Subway Car
Here is another great fan video. Thanks to my friend Jeff for sending me the link. This video is “What if Princess Leia had been captured on a New York
Today is Geek Pride Day, Towel Day, and The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May
As I have previous mentioned, today is the 35th Anniversary of Star Wars. We are celebrating it @ Geeky KOOL with fun Star Wars articles, videos, and links. But today
ECCC 2012: Star Wars Trilogy: The Radio Play (with various actors and fun voices)
I wanted to post some special Star Wars stuff to celebrate 35 years of Star Wars today. I hope you enjoy the video below. I think it is an awesome
Webcomic: “Stormtroopers&Redshirts”
As we continue to celebrate 35 years of Star Wars, here is a great comic from I love the crossover with Star Wars and Star Trek. I hope you
Video Short: Doctor Who Mini “Good As Gold”
Check out this great new Script to Screen Short with Doctor Who. Here is the webpage. It is very Olympic centered mini with the Doctor, Amy, Weeping Angels, and a Torch Bearer.