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Beware…The Ides of March Are Upon Us

Beware…The Ides of March Are Upon Us

Today is March 15 or also known as The Ides of March.  One should be cautious of who they turn their back on.  This is especially true for our friends.  It is a day known for backstabbing… literally.

The Ides of March was often a day of religious observance.  It became infamous because Julius Caesar’s assassination occurred on March 15th.

William Shakespeare made this memorable in his play, Julius Caesar.  In the play, Julius Caesar is warned by a Soothsayer (fortune teller), “Beware of the Ides of March.”  Caesar then dismisses it by saying that the soothsayer is but a dreamer.  On the day, Emperor Caesar declares to the soothsayer  Caesar: “The ides of March are come” but the Soothsayer responds with  “Ay, Caesar; but not gone.”  All of this was foreshadowing of the assignation of Caesar by some of his closest friends and allies including his dear friend Marcus Brutus.  This is why Julius Caesar’s last words (in the play) are “Et tu, Brute? Then fall Caesar!”

Each month on the Roman calendar had an Ides.  March’s Ides is the 15th.  Some months have an Ides that is the 13th.  It is based on the number of days in a month.  The Romans didn’t track the days of the month as we do in modern Western society.

Whatever you do today, beware of the Ides of March especially if a group of friends come baring a knife, don’t turn your back.  It is my friend Derek’s birthday.  I promise not to get him a dagger for his birthday.

Stay Geeky!

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