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Black Widow: Forever Red (Book review)

Black Widow: Forever Red (Book review)




Title: Black Widow: Forever Red

Author: Margaret Stohl

Publisher: Marvel/Disney

Publishing Date: October 13, 2015

With the recent surge in superhero movies it’s about time that some of the female heroes get their stories told. Black Widow: Forever Red is an excellent tale of death and deception, family vs foe, and ultimately… redemption.

Ava Orlova is an average American teen with a dark past. She was trained by the evil Russian Mastermind Ivan Somodorov. Rescued by the Black Widow she escapes with just the clothes on her back and tries to forget her past. When children all over the world go missing she must team up with Natasha Romanov to stop a madman. But what do you do when you hate the one that saved you?

Black Widow was a fast paced, action packed read that leaves you hoping for a sequel. With the media pushing aside the popularity of the Black Widow Character this is a much needed book. It tells the tale of Natasha, her family, and her dark past while weaving in old and new characters that readers will enjoy. It is high on my list of recommendations for teens and one that I will be promoting heavily this fall.

I sincerely hope this is a series!

Stay Geeky and keep reading!


**Thank you to Disney Publishers and Marvel for providing a review copy. This in no way influenced my review.

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