This is days old now, but I’ve just had a chance to post it. Breaking Bad is one of the best shows to ever be on television, and I think many people will agree with me. Compared to any other show, the writing and acting has been, up until now, pretty much flawless. The adult themes and serious nature of the show keep viewers in suspense and anxious about plot resolution and character destinies. Every once in while, though, humor will lighten the load of the show’s darkness and create memorable moments. In the first episode of “The Final Season”, main character Jesse Pinkman’s stoner friend Badger, as he is so lovingly called, lets loose to his friend, Skinny Pete, his most awesome of visions for the original Star Trek cast. The fictitious plot rolls out of the ether these characters seem to live in, and make for a hilarious anecdote. Vince Gilligan, the producer of the show, had been telling the crew about this story since the first season, so writer Peter Gould found a way to fit it in after some dialogue about the episode. And in true modern-day internet fashion, the story was animated and up on YouTube by the next day, which seems to be a miracle within itself. What is great about this little bit of veering the show does, which is all to work up Jesse into feeling the need to leave his house, shows just how good the writers of the show are. Just enough geekiness comes out while discussing the sci-fi morality tale to show a complex side of these characters who have added background color throughout several seasons of the series. Of course, it just reminds me how much I am going to miss this show when it is gone. I originally found the clip on, for which artist Matt Czap created the animation, and it is good for all ages of geeks. Not to spoil it, but one unlucky crew member fairs worse than he later actually did with Kahn. If you get a chance to watch the entire Breaking Bad episode, you can catch more to this bit with the characters discussing a wild idea about how Star Trek transporters work. Breaking Bad is currently airing its last episodes Sunday nights on AMC.