This is a previously unreleased hand-painted poster for The Incredibles from Brad Bird. Very KOOL!
Category: Animation
Video: DC Nation Shorts: Amethyst- Princess of Gemworld and Thunder & Lightning
The best part of the Green Lantern and the Young Justice cartoon is the Shorts. Here are two more that I found extremely funny.
Super Golden Friends…
Haven’t posted in a LONG time. Sorry ’bout that… Anyway, thanks to LJ for sharing this mashup!
Video: Blink To The Future – A Doctor Who / Back To The Future Mashup
This is very fun. Check it out. It has nothing to do with the picture above. it is an animated mashup. I saw this on the Mary Sue and had
Video: Doctor Who Dreamland
I was just introduced to the animated Doctor Who Dreamland. This is pretty KOOL.
Movie Trailer: The Snow Queen
I think my kids will dig this KOOL geeky movie. It is based off of a Hans Christian Andersen story.
Video: Anime – “Freeze Ray” Song from Dr Horrible
I love Dr Horrible’s Sing Along Blog. This is a fun anime version of the “Freeze Ray” song. Check it out.
Video: Fan Created Anime Star Wars Short
This is a really Kool video. I liked the emotion of the film. The AT-AT are awesome on the Star Destroyers. I did wonder when Voltron or G-Force would show
STAR WARS DETOURS: Trailer and Clips
According to Wookieepedia (Star Wars Wikipedia), STAR WARS DETOURS is a upcoming Star Wars ongoing animated series. This series is a comedy based animation. Below is from the Wookieepedia article. “At
Wreck-It-Ralph game is online! Going old-school too…
For those of us who grew up in the ’80s, places like Aladdin’s Castle on the mall was just part of life. At least the geeks that grew up in
Video: Welcome To Creepyville
Welcome to Creepyville is an animated webseries. Below is the first episode. If you enjoy it, check Youtube for more episode. Creepyville is not my usual cup of tea. It
Video- How It Should Have Ended : How The Avengers Should Have Ended
How It Should Have Ended has animated videos of alternative endings to movies. This is one of my favorites about my favorite movie of the year.
Korra ends season one. Here’s Wired review of the show…
I’ll get my review of the season up soon but here’s a great take on why The Legend of Korra is one of the best cartoon on TV right now. Read
Movie Review: Brave
My family went to view the new Pixar movie, Brave, on Saturday. We have enjoyed all of the previous Pixar films. Would Pixar continue with another winning animated movie with
Movie Trailer: Monsters University (Monster’s Inc Prequel)
I loved Monsters Inc but was not excited about a prequel. This is the first trailer and now I am convinced that this will work and be funny. Monsters in
Pixar’s Brave Father’s Day Trailer
I am more excited to see Brave than my 11 year old daughter. It looks really good. I loved their mother’s day special trailer and here is their Father’s Day
Video Trailer: Dark Knight Returns (Part 1)
In 1986, I read the Dark Knight Returns. This was a the best Batman story I have ever read. It was better than The Killing Joke and Batman: Year One
The Animaniacs was one of the great cartoons of our time!
Just after I graduated from College the Animaniacs premiers from Warner Brothers. Staring the Warners, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, they brought a lot of laughs to may afternoons. I wish
What would you do if you were an Avenger and you had the day off?
Maybe one of these? These are courtesy of An Illustration-a-day Blog. Hopefully there will be more soon!
Picture of the Day- Phineas & Ferb in Star Wars Trash Compactor
My daughter loves the show Phineas and Ferb but my wife hates it. I find it extremely funny, witty, and smart. I love how they pay homage to other shows, movies,