Here is the new poster for the CW’s superhero team series, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Below is the new trailer for the series. The trailer has a little bit
Category: DC Comics
Movie Trailer- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Here is the newest trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. This trailer sets up the fight between Superman and Batman. It also hints at what ends the feud
The Expensive Series: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
According to, the upcoming superhero team series on the CW, DC’s Legend of Tomorrow, has severely run over on the estimated budget costs. The cost of an action television
Movie Trailer: Batman v Superman (Exclusive Sneak)
Here is an exclusive look at Batman v Superman. I am very confused by this clip. Is it just a dream? Stay Geeky My Friends!
Weird Al as Darkseid on Teen Titans Go!
Only on Teen Titans Go! can Weird Al be the voice the cosmic evil Darkseid. This is one funny idea. I always image Darkseid with the booming deep voice. Maybe
Chris Pine Confirmed as Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman
There has been speculation on the Chris Pine’s role in the Wonder Woman movie. Comicvine confirmed Chris Pine will be Steve Trevor. In the comics, Trevor is a World War
TV Trailer: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Here is a KOOL trailer for the upcoming DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is a spin off series from the Flash and Arrow on the CW. Stay
First Image from Wonder Woman Movie
Here is the first image from the upcoming Wonder Woman solo movie. This is really KOOL looking. I am excited to see this movie embrace her World War II roots.
Mariah Carey AS Commissioner Gordon in “The LEGO Batman Movie”
According to Deadline, Mariah Carey will voice Commissioner Gordon in the upcoming The Lego Batman Movie. Lego Batman’s popularity in The Lego Movie has vaulted him into his own movie. We already know several
Time Warner Considering Not Streaming DC Superhero Shows
Timer Warner may no longer have their DC Comics Superhero shows stream on services like Hulu and Netflix. According to CEO Jeff Bewkes, they are considering changing the methods they distribute
TV Trailer: THE FLASH (Enter Zoom)
Here is trailer for the next episode of The Flash. A trap is set for Zoom to come to Earth 1 (Barry’s Earth). Will Barry be able to stop the
Buffy Veteran Added to Supergirl
CBS’ Supergirl added Buffy television veteran, Emma Caulfield (Anya), to the cast. Caulfield will portray FBI Agent Cameron Chase. Chase dedicated her life to law enforcement after her father’s murder. She hunts
Professor Hugo Strange on Gotham
Gotham has a new villain. Hugo Strange is a Batman villain from the 1940’s Detective Comics #36. Hugo notoriously uses science to make weapons and turn people into monsters for his
CBS’ Supergirl Big Rating Opening
I have read a ton of varying opinions on CBS’ Supergirl. Some people really enjoyed this première episode. For others, it wasn’t their thing. Some people criticized the writing and
Syfy’s Krypton News
According to Newsarama, Syfy’s series, Krypton, is still in the planning stages. Syfy seems to be dedicated to this series but hasn’t officially given it the green light. Krypton will be a
Image: The Flash- Killer Frost
Here is an image from CW’s The Flash. Caitlin Snow is one of the scientist from S.T.A.R. Labs on “Team Flash”. She is an essential teammate for Barry Allen. She
Video: “Batman v Superman” Circa 1949: “Vulture Remix”
What if “Batman v Superman” were set in a 1949 as a Serialized movie. This video splices the old Superman serials and the Batman serials. This is really KOOL. Stay
Animated Videos: DC Superhero Girls
Here is the first three episodes of the new DC Superhero Girls animated movies and the music video for the theme song. DC Superhero Girls is an attempt to bring more girls
Video: Lex/OS Announcement NYCC
LexCorp (Batman v Superman) will be at New York Comic Con. They make their presence known by providing a free charger and WiFi. Check out their new Operating System. I
Television Trailer: DC’s Super Hero Girls
Here is a KOOL trailer for the upcoming cartoon, DC’s Super Hero Girls. Amanda Waller and Grodd run the school for young supers. Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Batgirl headline a