Here is a first look at the Flash villain, Zoom. The two Flash(es) of both worlds will work together to take on Zoom. I cannot wait to see how this
Category: DC Comics
TV Trailer: Supergirl
Here is another trailer for CBS’ Supergirl. I am very interested in the character development of Kara and her super identity. I have a lot of hope for this series.
Image: Supergirl’s Red Tornado
Here is a sneak peek look at Supergirl’s Red Tornado. Red Tornado will appear on CBS’ Supergirl series. He is a high-powered super robot who becomes sentient. Iddo Goldberg portrays
Video: Crisis On Infinite Earths 30th Anniversary Cosplay
Here is a really KOOL video. It is “Crisis On Infinite Earths 30th Anniversary Cosplay Video With George Pérez” It was Filmed at Dragoncon. It captured several of the iconic
Wonder Woman Shots in November, Wants as Many Female Crew as Possible
According to Screen Crush, the Wonder Woman movie will begin filming in November. Gal Gadot will star as Wonder Woman. Chris Pine will co-star as Steve Trevor. Patty Jenkins directs Wonder
Image of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow- Hawkgirl & Hawkman
Here is an image of Hawkgirl & Hawkman from the CW’s upcoming series, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. The image would be even KOOLer if they were showing their wings. Ciara
TV Trailer: CW’s The Flash (Other Worlds Extended)
Here is a KOOL new trailer for the CW’s The Flash. We gets a preview of some of the villains. We learn about Zoom, who wants the Fash dead.
TV Trailer: Supergirl (Featurette)
Here is a behind the scenes look at Supergirl. This featurette focuses on the characters of Kara/Supergirl. Stay Geeky My Friends!
TV Trailer: CW’s Arrow Season 4
Here is the latest trailer for the fourth season of CW’s Arrow. After a time away, Ollie and Felicity get pulled back into the problems of Star (formerly Starling) City.
TV Trailer: The Flash Season 2 (Jay Garrick)
Here is the latest trailer for the second season of The Flash. This episode has Earth 2’s Flash, Jay Garrick. This trailer gives us several hints where the season is
TV Trailer: Arrow (Season 4 Trailer)
Here is the trailer for the Arrow Season 4. This looks really KOOL. I was not a fan of the first season of the Arrow. Since then, I have really
Diggle Costume on The Arrrow
Fans have been waiting for Diggle to have a costume on The Arrow for a while. His character even made fun of the idea on one episode. We knew it
Television Trailer: GOTHAM (Rise Of The Villains)
Gotham continues down their dark alleyway with the rise of the villains. It appears the focus of season two will be the bad guys. Batman has a ton of great
Video: Arrow & The Flash Promo (Justice Moves To Its Own Beat)
Nothing says superheroes like dance club music and sampling (or maybe not). Check out this KOOL video promoting both Arrow and The Flash. Stay Geeky My Friends!
CBS’ Supergirl Casts Red Tornado
Iddo Goldberg has been cast as both Red Tornado and Dr T.O. Morrow on CBS’ Supergirl. Dr T.O. Morrow is the scientist who creates the Android hero, Red Tornado. In
Retracting Wonder Woman Lunch Box Story
Last week, we ran an article about a girl sent home from school with note banning her Wonder Woman Lunch Box. This story was false. It never happened. It was
The Flash Promo Image
Hold onto your hats, season 2 of #TheFlash premieres in just 36 days! A photo posted by The Flash (@cwtheflash) on Aug 31, 2015 at 2:49pm PDT Here is The
TV Trailer: GOTHAM (Damned If You Do)
Here is an interesting trailer for Gotham. Jerome introduces himself to Barbara. He gives her some advise to survive in Arkham Asylum. It is pretty creepy. Check it out. Stay Geeky
Image: Supergirl Scouts
This is an awesome image of Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) hanging out with a wonderful group of Girl Scouts. Supergirl is a hero to these young ladies. It is an adorable
Wonder Woman Lunchbox Too Violent for School
According to an Imgur post, the below note came home with a school girl. She is in violation of the school dress code. The dress code states a student cannot