Honest Trailers point out the humor in the movie trailers and our reactions. This one nails the fanboy and fangirl community, which I am a part. It nails the inner
Category: DC Comics
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Retro Style)
What if Batman V Superman was set back in the day? Christopher Reeves would be Superman and Adam West would still be Batman. This trailer tickled my inch for a
Movie Trailer- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Here is the full length trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It was leaked online but it looks like Warner Bros is not going after the video and
Here is the 20 second sneak peak trailer for BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. It is very quick (but not a Flash). The full trailer is scheduled to be
Patty Jenkins to Direct Wonder Woman
Patty Jenkins, director of Monster, will take over the helm of DC and Warner Bros Wonder Woman movie. Jenkins was slated to direct Thor: The Dark World but backed out
NBC’s Constantine Not Cancelled … Yet
There were reports all over the place yesterday about sources confirming that NBC had cancelled Constantine. Yet NBC had not confirmed the cancellation. In fact, NBC’s Constantine show runner, Daniel Cerone posted on Buzzfeed that Constantine has
Video: Wonder Woman – Look @ Her First Comic
Here is an interesting look at Early Wonder Woman from the Smithsonian Channel. This KOOL video looks at the first comic and images of Wonder Woman and how she came
Comic Crossover- DC’s Green Lantern & IDW’s Star Trek
According to CBR, DC Comics and IDW Publishing are joining forces to create a crossover of galactic proportions. The Green Lantern Corp, galactic police force with green power rings, will team up
Hawkgirl, Rip Hunter Added to New DC Spinoff Series
DC Comics and the WB are planning on creating a spin off series from Arrow and Flash. It will be pulling characters introduced on both series to a new series.
Image: First Look At Lex Luthor- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Here is the first image of the new Lex Luthor thanks to Entertainment Weekly. Lex will be in DC movie, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It is set to open
Heroes, Villains, and Me: Lex Luthor Is Right
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a periodic article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
New Costumes for Superman and Wonder Woman
According to CBR, DC Comics has announced that Superman and Wonder Woman will have new costumes. These are images from the upcoming issues of Action Comics, Wonder Woman, Batman/Superman, and
Malina Weissman Cast as Young Supergirl
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Malina Weissman be a young Kara Zorel for CBS’ Supergirl television series. Last year, Weissman played a young April O’Neal for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Image: Supergirl (TV)
Here is the first look at Melissa Benoist as Supergirl. Benoist will portray Supergirl/Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers (why isn’t it Linda Danvers?). The Supergirl television series will be on CBS. This is
Slater and Cain Added to Supergirl TV Series
According to TV Line, the 80s Supergirl~ Helen Slater and the 90s Superman~ Dean Cain have been added to the cast of CBS’s upcoming Supergirl Television series. There particular roles
TV Trailer: GOTHAM (The Red Hood)
Here is a behind the scene look at next week’s episode of Gotham. The Red Hood is first masked bad guy in Gotham. He fancied himself a Robin Hood type.
Wonder Woman Movie to Film This Fall
According to Deadline, Gal Gadot will begin filming Wonder Woman this fall. She will premiere as Wonder Woman in March of 2016 in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The
Video: Rowan Hansen Contacts DC About More Female Heroes (Today Show)
Eleven year old Rowan Hansen has always been a comic book fan. She loves the shows, movies, and the comics. But she has noticed a huge inequality in comics. There
Image: Jason Momoa as Aquaman
Here is the image that Zack Snyder posted on his Twitter acount with Jason Momoa as Aquaman. This is a promotional image for the upcoming Batman v Superman movie. Jason Momoa is a
DC Comic Announces New Focus and New Comic Line Post “Convergence”
DC Comics has made a huge announcement about their future. They are having a giant event this Spring with Convergence. Thing are set to chance in the DC Universe but they are