As a Children’s Librarian I often find really icky things in my students books. (The worst was the used band-aid of 2011) I won’t even mention the really gross things
Category: DC Comics
Arrow Casts Caity Lotz as Black Canary
The CW’s Arrow has cast Caity Lotz to portray Dinah Drake and the super hero Black Canary for season 2. The Black Canary is a key character with Green Arrow.
DC Comics Announces Upcoming Movies
San Diego Comic Con had a ton of buzz about many different things over the weekend. But the buzz about DC Comics movie announcement was huge. They have at least
Petition For A Wonder Woman Movie
My friends over at the Graphic Classroom have created a petition on to convince D.C. Comics that they NEED a top quality Wonder Woman movie. You can pull up the
Video: Stay Geeky 01: Wonder Woman Needs a Movie!
This is a video by Alan Kisler about the need for a Wonder Woman movie. I couldn’t agree more with Alan. He pokes holes in the idea that a Wonder
Video: How Man Of Steel Should Have Ended
I love the How It Should Have Ended series. The Man of Steel version is fantastic. I would have preferred this ending to Man of Steel. But the movie would
Video: DC Nation Short Preview; “Wonder Woman”
This is definitely a KOOL and unique take on Wonder Woman. I love the Invisible Car. It is so 1970’s, uou can almost hear disco music. Stay Geeky my Friends!
Summer Glau Joins WB’s Arrow For Season 2
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Summer Glau will be a regular cast member on WB’s series Arrow. She will portray Isabel Rochev, vp acquisitions at Stellmoor International. Stellmoor International is a company that attempts
Video: The Story Behind Trinity War (DC Comics)
This Youtube video is a great way to get comic readers excited about a major crossover event. I think it is genius to have D.C. most prolific and well respected
Bill and Bob created Batman?
Interesting article on a new book about Bill Finger. Who’s he you ask? While Bob Kane gets the credit for creating Batman, Bill Finger, did a lot of the heavy
Heroes, Villains, and Me: What I Want in a Wonder Woman Movie
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is
Video: The Graham Norton Show — with Russell Crowe, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams
The Graham Norton Show is a British talk show where Graham Norton interviews celebrities. This episode he has Man of Steel’s Russell Crowe, Henry Cavill, and Amy Adams. This is
Image of the DAY: Steam Punk Batman
This image is from the Dirigible Days Pinterest page. They have several other KOOL Steam Punk images including a Joker and Catwoman. Check it out. Stay Geeky my Friends.
TV Trailer: Beware the Batman (on Cartoon Network)
I have enjoyed most of the Batman cartoons. I really loved Batman the Animated Series. The Batman was really KOOL and I really enjoyed it but it ended too quickly.
Movie Review: Man of Steel
Plot: (There will be major spoilers– be warned) This is a synopsis. It is not every detail but there are several details. We all know the Story of Superman. Baby
Movie Trailer: The LEGO Movie
Warner Brothers has released an initial trailer for their first cinema released film, appropriately named The LEGO Movie. With appearances from LEGO characters, from your childhood until today, this animated
Superman/ Wonder Woman Comic Premieres October
Superman and Wonder Woman started a romance earlier in the year. Apparently, there is not enough of the romance bleeding over into the Justice League books, the numerous Superman books,
Building Better Superheroes Infograph
Created by This is a very KOOL infograph from Let me know what you think. Did they make the right call on their matchups?
Event: Superman Celebration!
One of the most fan-based, yet little known comic book hero festivals takes place at the end of this week, June 6th-June 9th. The annual “Superman Celebration” is held in
Video: Mine of Steel: Superman in Minecraft Trailer
Minecraft is such a popular game right now. It only makes sense that someone made a Minecraft Man of Steel trailer. Check out this really KOOL and fun trailer.