What do we have to do to get them to come to Springburg??? MajorSpoilers has more info. Good info over at SuperHeroHype also.
Category: DC Comics
Image of the DAY: Old West Justice League
This image is from Denis Medri and I found the image on Geek Tyrant.
Clark Kent Quits Daily Planet in Superman #13
The New DC 52 continues to shake things up. The latest news out of DC has Clark Kent quitting the Daily Planet in Superman issue #13 per Newsarama. What will Clark do with
Justice League Movie is Scheduled For Summer 2015
Warner Bros wasted no time in announcing a Justice League movie after their recent victory in court for the rights to Superman. They already have a script in the works.
Here is a KOOL fan made webseries: Batgirl: Spoiled. This is unauthorized fan fiction. It focuses on Stephanie Brown as Batgirl. It includes other DC characters including Commissioner Gordon, Batwoman, Poison Ivy, The
Video: Super Best Friends Forever
One of my 11 year old daughter’s favorite DC shorts is the Super Best Friends Forever. Supergirl, Wonder Girl, and Batgirl are fun together in these shorts. Enjoy.
Video: Holy Musical B@man! Super Friends
This is weird but interesting. Here is my big question. What is Spider-Man doing in this. He is not a Super Friend or even from DC.
Heroes, Villains, and Me: Crusty Old Men’s Club
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Wonder Woman series on the CW?
According to Vulture.com, the CW is working on a possible Wonder Woman series. This is will be different from the David E. Kelley failed pilot Wonder Woman series. This series will
Picture of the Day: Flashbacca
The artist Ming Doyle created this fun image. Check out his website for more fantastic art in Ming Doyle’s gallery.
TV Show Arrow casts Huntress
According to Entertainment Weekly, the CW television show “Arrow” has cast Jessica De Gouw (see below picture) as the Huntress for a multiple episode arc. She is a potential love interest for Oliver
TV Trailer: Robot Chicken’s DC Comics Special
I love the Star Wars Robot Chicken Specials. I hope the DC Comics Special is as good.
8-bit DC Comics Justice League graphics are Kool!
I will have to find them but the other day I saw some 8-bit Marvel Comics graphics for phone/tablet backgrounds. Today I found these DC Comics graphics over on Deviant
Ben Affleck May Direct Justice League– Are You Excited?
After yesterday big announcement from Disney/Marvel about Joss Whedon’s return for Avengers 2, there is a strong rumor for the Justice League movie. D.C. Comics major super team, the Justice
Heroes, Villains, and Me: The Golden Age of Comic Book Movies
Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Anne Hathaway Interview- Possible Catwoman spin-Off
Check out this interview. The most interesting piece is about a possible Catwoman spin-off movie. Does that mean she will leave the former Mister Wayne in Italy or will it
Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises
I went to see the Dark Knight Rises with a heavy heart. After the opening day tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado on Friday’s midnight show, my excitement for this movie
Movie Trailer: Man of Steel
I saw this trailer before Dark Knight Rises. There is not enough here for me to have a good feel for this film.
Video- How It Should Have Ended : How The Avengers Should Have Ended
How It Should Have Ended has animated videos of alternative endings to movies. This is one of my favorites about my favorite movie of the year.