The Sandman is a new Netflix series based off of the DC Comics Horror comic of the same name. It was created by Neil Gaiman, Mike Dringenberg and Sam Keith
Category: DC Comics
Justice League Synder Cut Release Date on HBO Max
We finally have the release date for Justice League- The Synder Cut. It will be available to stream on HBO Max on March 18, 2021. A lot of fans have
DC Comics Removes Exclusive Contracts with Creators
Superstar comic book writer Brian Bendis has been on an Exclusive Contract with DC comics since November 2017. He was pulled away from the long time relationship with Marvel Comics
DC Comics: I got a bad feeling about this…
In the comics world, I am pretty much a hard-core DC Comics fan. Give me the DC Trinity of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman any day over a Marvel Comics
Trailer: Superman & Lois
The first Superman & Lois trailer was less than stellar and thrilling. Here is the latest trailer for this new CW series. Check it out. Stay Geeky!
Honest Trailers: Wonder Woman 1984
I love the humor and the “yeah they are right” moments with the honest trailer. They poke fun at the things we love but they do it in a playful
Trailer: Justice League Snyder Cut
Here is the latest trailer for Justice League Snyder Cut coming to HBO Max. It expands and Justice League movie and changes some things back to the way Zach Snyder
Trailer: Superman and Lois
The CW has brought their Supergirl series to a close. In doing so, they are spinning it off to a new series focusing on Superman and Lois, not to be
WW84 – Wonder Woman 84 Review
Wonder Woman 1984 hit theaters today, and was released on HBO max at Noon today as a Christmas gift in this Pandemic crazy times we are all experiencing. While it
More Wonder Woman and Batman Coming to HBO Max
HBO Max is going full guns with their DC Superheroes. More Wonder Woman and Batman are coming to HBO Max. Linda Carter’s awesome Wonder Woman series of the 1970s is
Wonder Woman 1984 On HBO Max on Christmas at Noon Eastern
Most things drop at Midnight Pacific time on most streaming services. Wonder Woman 1984 will be the except (or maybe the new norm). It will not be available to watch
New Joker Manga As A Dad
The Joker has had all sorts of different takes on his character of the years. There is a manga comic coming out in January that will be a Joker based
4K Wonder Woman 1984 On HBO Max
Wonder Woman 1984 will be the first movie or series on HBO Max that will stream in 4K. Many of us were planning on seeing this blockbuster on the big
Geeky KOOL Presents: Professor and Ace- Episode 30 – Talking DC
Bryan Crocket (Geeky KOOL staff member) sits in for Ace. We talked about the world of DC Comics, movies, and comics. Bryan is a huge DC Comic fan and we
Starfire Outfit for Titans Season 3
One of my favorite comics in the 80s was the New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez. There run was amazing on this book. It rivaled my love
Justice Society of America Turns 80 Years Old
Happy Birthday to the Justice Society of America aka J.S.A. The Justice Society of America premiered in All Star Comics #3- (Winter 1940–1941). The Justice Society is the first group
Wonder Woman 1984 Release Date for Christmas 2020
Wonder Woman 1984 has been moved a couple of times for the release date through 2020 and into 2021. Warner Bros has now made a huge decision. Wonder Woman 1984
Trailer: Snyder’s Justice League
Two new trailer were released today for Snyder’s Justice League Cut that is coming to HBO Max. The first is the shorter more standard trailer. The other one is 12
New Wonder Girl
There is a New Wonder Girl and she is about to be everywhere. Yara Flor will soon be introduced in DC’s Massive event Future State. She will have her one
DC Comics Names Marie Javins Editor In Chief
DC Comics has their newest Editor and Chief, Marie Javins. Javins will report to General Manager Daniel Cherry III. Javins joined DC in 2014 to help the transition to Los