I love Ginny Di’s Youtube content. She is a fun Youtuber, who talks about playing and DMing Dungeons and Dragons. In this episode, Ginny gets her 97 year old Grandma
Category: Ginny Di
Video: I got the new DM’s Guide. Here’s what you need to know
I love watching Ginny D videos. She is a kindred spirit when it comes to game mastering. I respect her opinion even though I don’t always follow it. Wizards of
Ginny Di- Here’s what’s ACTUALLY behind my DM screen
I love Youtuber Ginny Di’s videos. She has an amazing way to bring people into Dungeons and Dragons and talk about it. She shares what is on the other side
Ginny Di on D&D Changes to the Bards
Ginny Di is one of my favorite Youtube Podcasters. She makes fun and informative videos about TTRPGs. She has a lot to share about Dungeons and Dragons and other games.
Video: My Mission to Become My DM’s Favorite Player
Ginny Di is one of my favorite Youtube creators TTRPGs. Ginny goes through her list of how to become a the favorite player. Her video is called My Mission to
Video- Ginny Di- 5 Backstory Bad Habits
I do love watching Ginny Di. She gives a ton of great information while being a lot of fun to watch. Her quirky personality is so KOOLl. In this episode,
Video: Ginny Di: It’s hard to be a Dungeon Master with ADHD
I really enjoy Ginny Di videos. She is upbeat and friendly and tons of fun. Her creative side comes pouring out in her videos. She is also a DM with