Alight Whovians, here is a fun deleted scene from the Christmas Episode, The Time of the Doctor. It is a playful scene between Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman. It reminds
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Category: Doctor Who
Video- Strax Field Report: The Doctor has Regenerated!
Here is another wonderful Strax Field report video from BBC One. Strax is making his usual report and talks about Doctor’s regeneration. We even learn what improvements the Doctor could
Web Series: Doctor Puppet “A Timelord Christmas”
Here is the latest fun episode of the web series: Doctor Puppet. It is Doctor Who puppets. This episode has 4 different Doctors and the Doctors celebrating Christmas. It is
Video: Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor – Preview Clip One
Here is a clip from the upcoming The Time of the Doctor Christmas special. It looks like a lot of fun but the clip doesn’t give anything way on the
Video: Time of the Doctor: Strax Field Report – The Doctors
Here is another great field report from Strax from BBC One. He reviews all of the doctors and the kind of men they were. He does this from a very
TV Trailer: The Time of the Doctor
The Doctor Who Christmas Special: The Time of the Doctor is just around the corner. This is the final episode with Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor. This episode will
Video: Regeneration Carol
The fine folks at Youtube’s Not Literally Productions have another great video. The Regeneration Carol is a spoof of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”. It is pretty funny. Check it out.
The best Christmas gift…
Here is a link to a great little article. We try not just give you a link and send you away from Geeky KOOL but this article is worth reading.
TV Trailer: The Time of the Doctor
Here i the trailer for the upcoming Christmas Special: The Time of the Doctor. We know that the 11th Doctor will have to regenerate and the new Doctor (12th) will
Video: Doctor Who – Take On Me
Here is a great Doctor Who version of the video of “Take On Me”. The Take On Me video was a fantastic animated video from the 80’s that looked like
Video: Doctor Who-Regeneration Tribute- Hartnell – Capaldi
Here is a KOOL video that shows all of the doctors and clips from their regenerations. As we know, Matt Smith’s 12th (or 13th if you count the War Doctor)
Video (Music): I Am The Doctor (Doctor Who soundtrack cover)
Here is a wonderful video from LorelaiMusic (Youtube channel). She plays the Guitar, Keyboard, flute, recorder, and sings in this video while cosplaying different Doctor Who Characters. She does all
Win a Life Size TARDIS!
The fine folks at are giving away a full sized Tardis. You read that correctly, A Full Sized Tardis. You have to go to their site and register for their raffle.
NYC Doctor Who Flash Mob “Let’s Do the Time Warp Again”
Here is a Flash Mob in New York City. It is a Doctor Who themed Flash Mob. They are performing to the Rocky Horror Picture Show’s “Let’s Do the Time
Image of the DAY: The Time of the Doctor! (Christmas Special 2013)
The BBC has posted this image of the Christmas Special 2013. It is titled: The Time of the Doctor! It appears we are in for the return of the Cybermen
Web Series: BAMF GIRLS CLUB (Ep. 13): “Doctor Who”
This web series always makes me laugh. This episode has a Timey Wimey special guest star in the BAMF Girls house. Even they are celebrating the 50th anniversary. It is
Video: The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
If you were as disappointed as I was with the lack of classic Doctors (except for Tom Baker), then you will love this video. This is hysterical stuff. Check out
Anchorman’s Ron Burgundy “Doctor Who?”
This is very similar to Abbott and Costello’s “Who Is On First” routine. I laughed out loud when I watched this clip. I really like Will Ferrell’s Ron Burgundy character. I
Geeky KOOL Adds Poll for You Favorite Doctor
In the continued celebration of Doctor Who’s Fifth Anniversary and Today’s “Day of the Doctor” special, the staff at Geeky KOOL has decided to add our own Favorite Doctor (from
David Tennant Wins Best Doctor Poll on IGN
The fine folks over at IGN had a poll to determine Who is the best Doctor. David Tennant won their poll by a landslide with 53.62% of the votes. Matt