Here is another KOOL episode of Wil Wheaton’s Table Top. This episode has the short games of “Sushi Go” and “Roll For It”. Wil has a great time playing these
Category: Games
Web Series- Table Top: LEGENDARY
Wil Wheaton brings in Mark Fischbach, Allie Brosh, and Brea Grant to play the Marvel Comics Card Deck Builder game, Legendary. You can play as a team and build decks
Web Series: Table Top “Love Letter” & “Coup”
Here is a great episode of Table Top starring Wil Wheaton. This one the gang of Felicia Day and the Fine Brothers join will for two micro games. Sit back
Game Trailer: LEGO Jurassic World
Here is the trailer for the new Lego Jurassic World. It will allow you to play the story of all four movies. It looks like the classic Lego video game
Game: LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
Here is the trailer for a new LEGO video game. LEGO is going to bring “Earth’s Mightest Heroes” for your play in LEGO Marvel’s Avengers. Check it out. Stay Geeky
Game Trailer: LEGO Jurassic World
Here is the trailer for the LEGO Jurassic World video game. This game looks like a ton of fun. I love this trailer. The Park isn’t responsible for any injury.
Web Series: Table Top (Libertalia)
On this episode of Table Top, the gang plays the pirate game, Libertalia. Raiding, murder, stealing, and deception is the game of buccaneers. Guests Seth Green, Karen Gillan, and Clare
Game Trailer: Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4 Exclusive Content)
Here is a trailer for the upcoming video game, Batman: Arkham Knight. This trailer has exclusive footage of PS4 only Content. I love the Classic 1960’s Batman costume. I would
Game Trailer- Batman: Arkham Knight (Be the Batman Trailer)
Here is an interesting trailer for the upcoming video game, Batman: Arkham Knight. This trailer was an interesting approach to a video game trailer. I think I really liked it
This game makes me wish I had the time (and money) to invest in a game like this. Wow this is very KOOL. Oh man, if only I had the
Video: Wil Wheaton Announces International TableTop Day 2015
Wil Wheaton is promoting International TableTop Day. It is on April 11, 2015. This is a day to play and promote your favorite table top games. I think this is
Brianna Wu on Risking Her Life and Gamergate
I have posted on the several times on the problems of internet bullying of women. The Gamergate group has used journalistic integrity as a mantra but many in this group
Web Series: Table Top – “Geek Out”
I really enjoy watching Wil Wheaton’s Web Series, Table Top, on Geek & Sundry. It is always a ton of fun and I get to see a lot of KOOL games
Web Series– TableTop: Forbidden Desert
Here is another fun webesode of Table Top. Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, Alan Tudyk (Firefly), and Jon Heder work together to put back together the Steampunk Airship and make it
Web Series: Table Top – “Tokaido”
Here is the first episode of season three of Table Top. On this episode, they play the game of Tokaido. It is a cut throat “Zen” game of going on
Video- The Colbert Report: Gamergate – Anita Sarkeesian
I really enjoy The Colbert Report. I find his tongue and cheek and winking humor to crack me up. I always don’t agree with his underlying message to his humor
Web Comic: Dork Tower 10-24-14
Here is a great Dork Tower comic by John Kovalic (check them all out here). This comic is great commentary on life today and the crazy GamerGate. Stay Geeky My
Video: MSNBC on GamerGate
Here is a report on GamerGate and it has video game developer, programmer, and podcaster, Brianna Wu. She talks about culture of misogyny in the gaming industry. Brianna discusses the
Video- Firefly Online: 3D Environment Engine
Here is quick look at the 3D Environment Engine of the upcoming Firefly Online. I am very excited about this game. It would be awesome to play in the Verse.
Microsoft to Purchase Minecraft
According to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft is close to buying the Swedish company, Mojang. Mojang is most known for their popular game “Minecraft”. Rumors have the sale around $2