“Bob’s Burger” is such an entertaining show with unique characters, lines that punch your funny bone, but can squeeze your heart as much as flipping his famous burgers. It is
Category: Halloween
Morgan’s 12 Favorite “Harry Potter” Characters:
Halloween triggers thoughts of the spooky, the mysterious, and dressing up to be like you want. Magic also crosses my mind, so I thought the most magical school in modern
Congratulations to Our Friends with the Movie: Happy Halloween
Our friend Brittney Greer announced on her Facebook account some exciting news. Brittney is the writer and director of the scary movie, Happy Halloween. We covered the premiere and wrote
Video: 2024 Halloween Light Show Part 1
Decorating a house with synced lights and music has become normal during the Christmas time. Now we are moving out for this same thing with Halloween. This light show is
My Childhood Halloween Costumes:
There is something enchanting about dressing up at Halloween. All the memories we make of putting together the right costume, obtaining goodies and sorting them out later, having your parents
Video: We Survived 80s Halloween- Holderness Family
I love the Holderness Family videos. I find them hysterical and very true in how I feel. Here is a great video about Halloween in the 80s, We Survived 80s
Top Five Favorite Anime or Manga with Vampires (Halloween Post:)
The season of spooks, ghosts, and ghouls of every age, where the strange is worshipped during endless full moons with bat and cat companions. Halloween is here and I love
Fangoria’s Article on Happy Halloween
With the movie, Happy Halloween, being released this weekend, the classic horror magazine, Fangoria spotlighted this local movie. You can check it out right here. Fangoria had an amazing article
Geeky KOOL to Attend Happy Halloween Opening Night @ The Alamo
Bryan and I will be attending the opening night of Happy Halloween at Alamo Drafthouse in Springfield, MO. It opens Friday, October 20, 2023. We have seats for the 7:40
Happy Halloween Movie Poster
The Happy Halloween movie will premiere on October 20th at the Alamo Drafthouse in Springfield, MO. Our friend, Brittney Greer, is the writer, creator, and director of this feature-length film.
My Top 10 Spooky Movies for Halloween
I am not a big horror movie guy. I am not particular towards slasher films. I do like thrillers, Monsters, and psychological films. I love a good classic film. My
20 Future Cosplay Ideas For Me I’m Interested In?
Happy Almost Halloween, my spooky darlings! I hope it’s as scary, sweet, or pumpkiny as you want! ^+^ One of the key and the best parts of this holiday is
My Buddy, Mr J. Christopher Wilson is reviewing some movies and series. He has agreed for us to post his reviews here. Here is his list of his favorite horror
Mr Wilson’s Review: Halloween Kills
My Buddy, Mr J. Christopher Wilson is reviewing some movies and series. He has agreed for us to post his reviews here. HALLOWEEN KILLS (2021), the 12th in the Halloween
Top 15 Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Songs:
Anyone who knows anything about me or has followed the channel for the almost two years I have written for GeekyKool, I LOVE the manga team, CLAMP! Their works are
My Cosplays Highlight:
I have always loved dressing up since I was a little girl. Typical Disney princess dresses in the Play Room I shared with my brother. Halloween was always a yearly
Geeky KOOL Presents: The Professor and Ace – Episode 67- Spooky TV
Check out Ace and professor’s lists of our favorite spooky or creepy or horror based Television series of all time. Mr Keith stopped by to join us for the fun.
My Top Ten Favorite Halloween Movies/Specials:
Ah, spooky season. The wind is chilled and you can feel the magic circling around you. This time of year always brings out the giddy me. Colorful costumes, monsters are
Video: Monster Manual Mash -A D&D Halloween Song by Ginny Di
Here is a fun video from D&D podcaster, Ginny Di. She takes the classic Monster Mash song and adds a Dungeons and Dragons favor to it. I thought it was
Geeky KOOL Presents: The Professor and Ace- Episode 44- Director Brittney Greer
This week Ace and Professor were joined by Award Winning Director, writer, and actress Brittney Greer. She comes on the show to talk about her movie Happy Halloween and the