We take a moment to remember the horrible attacks on Pearl Harbor on December 07, 1941. Below is the audio of President Roosevelt’s address to our Nation after this attack.
Category: Holiday
Image of the Day: Dalek Christmas Tree
I first saw this image on IO9 and their link to lookingforautumn.tumblr. Exterminate! Exterminate!
Video: Christmas Lights to Gangnam Style
This might not really be KOOL or truly geeky but it is funny. It got a good laugh out of it. Hope you enjoy.
Video: Slapsgiving and Slapsgivng 2 (HIMYM)
This is two of my favorite Thanksgiving episodes. Enjoy.
Five Geeky Things I am Thankful for on Thanksgiving
We all have numerous things we are grateful and thankful for. This Thanksgiving, I hope we all remember our mammoth amounts of blessing. I am thankful for all of my
Happy Star Wars Life Day!
On November 17, 1978, the Star Wars Holiday Special aired. Thirty four years ago, George Lucas allowed the one only airing of this train wreck known as the Holiday Special.
Happy Veterans Day
We take a minute to honor our Veterans and Military Personnel on this November 11- U.S. Veterans Day. We appreciate all your of sacrifices for our freedom. We have the
Captain Canada
One of the many reasons why I love Nathan Fillion! Quite possibly the best Halloween costume of 2012. Nathan Fillion on WhoSay
My Experience Carving a Tardis Geek-O-Lantern
Being the geek that I am, I’ve never been completely satisfied with holiday decorations unless there’s some sort of geekery involved. This is especially the case with jack-o-lanterns. While there’s
Stars and Stripes Forever- Muppet Style
Happy 4th of July/ Independence Day from Geeky KOOL and the Muppets.