“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Category: Image
Image of the DAY: Thundarr the Barbarian
This image comes from Brian Michael Bendis’s Tumblr account. I t is a great image of the late 70’s cartoon. I loved this carton and back story Yes the “sun sword”
Image of the DAY: Vader’s Little Princess
This is an image from Jeffrey Brown’s upcoming new book Vader’s Little Princess (Via Star Wars Facebook). Jeffrey Brown is the author of the the humorous bestseller Darth Vader and
Image of the DAY: Iron Man 3- Mark XL Asgardian Destroyer Armor
This image comes from Nuke The Fridge. It is unknown if this armor will actually be used in Iron Man 3 but it is very KOOL.
Mary Jane Images For Amazing Spider-Man 2
Several sources are reporting the above pictures are images of Mary Jane Watson from the set of Amazing Spider-Man 2, including Just Jared, I09, and Bleeding Cool . Mary Jane is being played by
Image: NEW Spider-Man Costume of Amazing Spidey 2
According to Comingsoon.net, this is an image of Spidey’s new costume for Amazing Spider-Man 2. I have to say, I really like this new costume. I have been waiting for a
Image of the DAY: Supergirl
This awesome image was drawn by my 12 year old daughter, Natasha. She was extremely excited to show it to me. She had left it on my pillow. She was
Image of the DAY: Riddick on the Throne
This is an image from the new movie: Riddick. I hope it is as good as Pitch Black, which I really like more than Chronicles of Riddick.
Image of the DAY: Ender’s Game (Movie Still)
This is an KOOL photo from the upcoming Science Fiction movie, Ender’s Game. Ender’s Game is a group of kids divided up into groups and taught the art of war
Star Trek- Pixar Mashup Cards
These images are from Minion Factory, the Website which created the Marvel/DC- Pixar Mashup card photos. These are just a few of the Star Trek-Pixar mashup images on Minion Factory. These
Pixar Mash-up with Marvel & DC Characters
I love both comic books and Pixar movies. I love this combination. This is only a few of the images on the Minion Factory. Check all of them out. Minion
Walking Dead Kill Chart (prior to Sunday’s Season 3.5 Premiere)
This is a fantastic chart of the different kills on the Walking Dead. Of course it is prior to tonight’s Season 3.5 Premiere. Very KOOL. I found this on Amanda Blain’s Google
Image of the DAY: Galactus Unmasked
Here is an image from the great John Byrne in 1974. Really KOOL with Galactus without is helmet or mask. It looks like he should be drinking a beer. Galactus
Image of the DAY: Steampunk 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse
This is an awesome picture from Shades of Earth’s Deviant Art. They have numerous other KOOL images on their site including some Doctor Who images.
Image of the DAY: Iron Man Falls Out of the Sky
Image via Iron Man’s Facebook Page. This looks so KOOL. I can’t wait to see Iron Man 3.
Empire’s Man of Steel Cover
This is a great cover with the Man of Steel. Henry Cavill looks good as Superman. This is the New 52 Costume without the briefs. This is the cover of
Image of the DAY: Darth Vader Latte
Natasha found this image and forwarded to me. I loved it and re-posted it here. The image is from I Love Coffee JP.
Animated GIF of SWE5: Empire is Kool…
Posted by Aaron Newcomb over on Google+. Thanks Aaron!
Image of the DAY: Steampunk Batman Rogues
This image is a fun Steampunk version of Batman’s villains (rogues). The image comes from ~No Flutter on deviantart.com This page has several interesting geek images. Some of the images will