Fans of the X-Men will instantly recognize the name of Trask Industries. It is the company that creates the Sentinels, giant Mutant hunting robots. You can check out the Trask Industries website.
Category: Marvel Comics
Hawkeye and Black Widow Will Be Prominent in Avengers 2
My daughter and I have discussed how both Hawkeye and Black Widow weren’t given enough screen time in the Avengers. At San Diego Comic Con, Director Joss Whedon stated that he
The Wolverine Has Surprise Clip In the Credits
I haven’t seen this weeks big geek movie: The Wolverine. But I have been hearing all about the clip embedded in the credits. If you don’t want it spoiled, then
Video: Earth’s Mightiest Show: Episode 3 – Deadpool Tacos, Wonderland, Bendis, SDCC and More
I am a big fan of Blair Butler. I love her new web series for Marvel- Earth’s Mightiest Show. This is a fun episode from post San Diego Comic Con.
Wolverine Infographic is Kool!
Everything you ever wanted to know about “The Wolverine” in one nice graphic. Click the pic to embiggen! Thanks to Comixology for the link and graphic.
DIY- Superhero Bookmarks
As a Children’s Librarian I often find really icky things in my students books. (The worst was the used band-aid of 2011) I won’t even mention the really gross things
Karen Gillan Is Nebula- Bald Villain in Guardians Of The Galaxy
Well this news explains the picture of Karen taking off the wing at Comic Con. She will play the villainous space pirate Nebula in next year’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
Video: Electro (Amazing Spider-Man 2) Teaser
Here is the Teaser trailer for next year’s Amazing Spider-Man 2 film from Today’s San Diego Comic Con. It is completely Jamie Foxx as the villain Electro. He looks very
Movie Trailer: The Wolverine – A Ronin Story Featurette
I am not sure about this movie but it looks so much better than the first movie. I like discussion of being a Ronin. I also like that they are
New Comic: Peter Parker: Spider-Man Starts in Fall
According to the Steve Wacker in the Letter page for Superior Spidey #13, Peter Parker will make a return to the Spidey comics in this fall in Peter Parker: Spider-Man. This is
Entertainment Weekly Covers for Comic-Con Preview
Entertainment Weekly is known for having really KOOL and Geeky magazine covers. These covers are special in celebration of the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con. The above Amazing Spider-Man 2 cover
Movie Poster: Captain America: Winter Soldier
I am excited about this movie. I love the whole Winter Soldier saga for Captain America. The poster is a bit plain but it is the first image for C.A.:
Stan Lee Confirms Doctor Strange and Black Panther Movies
While at Wizard World New York, Stan “The Man” Lee stated that Marvel is working on a several new projects for their Phase Three. He mentioned Ant-Man and Guardian of
July is Superior Spider-Man Month
Marvel is referring to July 2013 as Superior Spider-Man Month. This is a new focus on Spider-Man related comic books this month. Look for Superior issues starting on Wednesday. Last
Video: Stan Lee Talks About Star Trek
This is a great video of Stan The Man Lee talking about similarities of his created characters and Star Trek. Check it out. This video is from Get More:
Videos: Lego Marvel Superheroes (Spider-Man and Iron Man)
Here are a couple of fun trailer for the upcoming Lego Marvel Superheroes. The first one is the Spider-Man trailer. I love the whole ice Cream gag. This second trailer
Video: “Marvel: The Watcher” — Breaking News about Avengers 2 & 3
Marvel’s The Watcher Youtube channel is a Marvel news program. This episode breaks some exciting news for fans of the Avengers movie and the upcoming sequels. Check it out .
No More Spider-man? No! More Spider-man!!
Sony Announces The Amazing Spiderman 3 & 4! With Marvel Studios in full swing with their Phase 2 of comic book superhero movies, and Warner Brothers seeing a successful (so
Building Better Superheroes Infograph
Created by This is a very KOOL infograph from Let me know what you think. Did they make the right call on their matchups?