This movie is growing on me. It looks pretty KOOL. I definitely want to watch this film.
Category: movie trailers
Movie Trailer: 300: Rise of an Empire
I enjoyed the first 300 but it was very graphic and violent. I get the feeling that the sequel will be even more graphic. It is definitely geeky and KOOL.
Movie Trailer: THE WOLVERINE – (International #2)
I might be a sucker but I am buying in on The Wolverine. Wolverine:Origins was not great but I have seen worse. This movie appears to be a huge step
Movie Trailer: White House Down
This looks like a fun action movie. Didn’t we just have another action movie were the White House was taken earlier in the year? Yes we did. I am not
Movie Trailer: The Family
This looks like a fun mobster movie. Kind of reminds me of “Analysis This” but it is completely different.
Movie Trailer: Paranoia
This looks like a fun suspense action movie. This is a geeky movie that my wife will enjoy which is a double bonus. Check it out.
Movie Trailer: Getaway
This looks like a fun action movie. I am not a Selena Gomez fan but it looks good.
Movie Trailer: Runner, Runner
Yes I know this is a Affleck and Timberlake movie. But it does look like a KOOL movie. This movie has action and intrigue. It looks like fun.
Movie Trailer: Riddick: Rule the Dark
I love Pitch Black. I really enjoyed Chronicles of Riddick. I hope this movie rocks like Pitch Black.
Movie Trailer: Hammer of the gods
THis movie looks inspired from Game of Thrones. Fantasy is a big deal now days with the popularity of Game of Thrones. I love a good Fantasy story. I hope
Pacific Rim Featurette – Robot Sets
I can’t wait for Pacific Rim. I just love all of the trailers and Featurettes. This movie looks so KOOL and it opens on my birthday.
Movie Trailer: Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Here is the second look at the new Percy Jackson movie. It has Nathan Fillion so it can’t be all bad- right? Actually, it looks pretty good to me.
Movie Trailer: Man of Steel TV Spot #8
Here is the latest trailer for Man of Steel. Man, this movie looks better with every trailer. I hope my expectations aren’t dashed. I really wanted to go in with
Movie Trailer: Facing West (Short Film)
“When the sun goes down in the evening, lift up your eyes and look west.” My friend Chris Brewer is in the process of creating a short film about sun
Movie Trailer: Man of Steel – “Fate of Your Planet”
Here is the latest trailer for Man of Steel movie (Fate of Your Planet). It is extremely KOOL. I hope the movie is more of this and less of the
Movie Trailer: Pacific Rim “Drift Space” and TV Spot 1
Here is a Pacific Rim Featurette. It is very KOOL. I can’t wait to see this on my Birthday. As an extra bonus, I included the first TV spot for
Movie Trailer: Anchorman 2
This movie looks funny. I really liked the first Anchorman. It should be the typical Will Ferrell humor.
Movie Trailer: Europa Report
This movie looks like a intelligent science fiction movie. Some of the images reminds me 2001: A Space Odyssey. Will this kind of sci fi movie resonate with fans now
Pacific Rim Trailer… One word! Awesome!
‘Nuff said!
Movie Trailer: Epic Featurette – Mythology
This movie looks like fun summer movie to take the kids to see. It has humor and action to keep you awake.