An alien invasion comedy starring Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn. It will be either really fun or it will blow chunks. It might actually be both. You decide.
Category: movie trailers
Pixar’s Brave Father’s Day Trailer
I am more excited to see Brave than my 11 year old daughter. It looks really good. I loved their mother’s day special trailer and here is their Father’s Day
I have enjoyed all of the Resident Evil movies. You can’t take them too serious but they can be a blast to watch.
Movie Trailer: Extraterrestrial Official Trailer #1
I am not sure about this movie. It looks fun and quirky but …
Movie Trailer: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer #3
This movie looks awesome.
Movie Trailer: Dark Knight Rises (International)
Here is the latest movie trailer for the Dark Knight Rises.
Movie Trailer: Dredd (FAKE TRAILER)
Dredd is the new cinematic take on the Judge Dredd comic book (AKA 2000 AD). Some might remember the previous Judge Dredd movie with Sly Sloane. Yes it was pretty bad. This
Movie Trailer: Amazing Spider-Man- Police Chase
Here is another Spidey clip. This has to be early on when Spidey is not used to swinging on a web. That part looks interesting.
Movie Trailer: The Expendables 2 – Tv Spot #3 Next Level
Here is another preview for The Expendables 2. This looks like a lot of pure action fun.
Movie Previews: Prometheus clips
Here are a few more clips from Prometheus. I am really looking forward to this movie. I will not be able to watch it right away but I am looking
Movie Trailer: Bourne Legacy
I loved the first 3 Bourne movies. They are my favorite Matt Damon movies. I was not sure I liked Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye from Avengers) taking over in the Bourne movies.
Movie Trailer: Plurality (Short Film)
Check out this trailer. It is very interesting. The government can track your every move. Your fingerprints set off monitors on the rail and opening a door. What happens when
Movie Trailer: The Expendables 2 Official TV Spot
I love the idea of an action movie having all of the great action stars or the 80s and 90s. This sequel even has Chuck “Fear the Beard” Norris in
Movie Trailer: Dark Knight Rises (I’m Retired)
This is an interesting take on the trailer. It focuses on Bruce Wayne insisting that he is retired from his Caped Crusader days. I am starting to feel like too
Tetris The Movie
Maybe it’s just me, but halfway through this trailer I was expecting a creepy rendition of the tetris theme song. That aside, I would definitely watch this movie. [tube][/tube]
movie Trailer: The Amazing Spider-Man (New Australian Trailer)
Here is the latest movie trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man from Australia. It is mostly the same as previous trailers. There is a lame line about going out the movie.
Movie Trailer: The Expendables 2
I just saw the first one on Netflix. It was a fun action movie with tons of actions stars from the 80’s and 90’s. This sequel will have even more.
Movie Trailer: Skyfall (007)
The poster came out a couple of weeks ago but now the Movie Trailer is here for the latest James Bond. It looks very good.
Movie Trailer: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
This is a must see movie. It looks better and better with every trailer.
Movie Trailer: Dark Knight Rises (newest) TV Ad
Here is another fun movie trailer for Dark Knight Rises. There is a few