This is a tribute to the Web series, Dirigible Days, by the steam punk band Victor Sierra. The video includes scenes from Dirigible Days. Check it out.
Category: Music
Video: Christmas Lights to Gangnam Style
This might not really be KOOL or truly geeky but it is funny. It got a good laugh out of it. Hope you enjoy.
Aurora Houn Dawgs perform Half-time show to music from Star Trek!
How geeky do you consider yourself when your kids come home excited because their Marching Band Show is set to a SciFi movie soundtrack? In my case, very GEEKY, very
Video: Star Fleet Intro
Back in the 80s, this show hit the British airwaves. I was surprise to see this on IO9. Queen guitarist Brian May teamed up with Eddie Van Halen and other
Arrrrgggg! It is International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Shiver me timbers me hearties! It is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Check out the below video for pirate music booty. Remember to annoy your co-workers with good pirate
Music Video: Droidfriend (Parody)
I love parody music and videos. TEDDIE FILMS appear to have taken up the mantle of Parodies. I love this spoof. Check it out.
Alex the Kid: Video and Album
The fine folk over at Dirigible Days posted a link to the below video on the Dirigible Days Facebook page. The Steam Punk music video: Zombies is a blast. I love