Marvel’s Iron Fist is the fourth Marvel series on Netflix. They began casting the series by casting Finn Jones as the main character, Daniel Rand aka Iron Fist. Finn Jones is
Category: Netflix
Movie Trailer: Pee-wee’s Big Holiday
Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday is a the first new Pee-Wee movie in almost 30 years. This is a Netflix original movie. I love the throw back to the Rube Goldberg machine
TV Trailer: Marvel’s Daredevil -Season 2
Here is the first trailer for Netflix Marvel’s Daredevil. This trailer reminds us that the second season is only a couple of months away. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Netflix Adds 13 Episode “Dredd” Series
The 70’s and 80’s British comicbook, 2000 AD, introduced the world to Judge Dredd in the second issue in 1977 (same year Star Wars hit theaters for the first time). Dredd
Daredevil Season 2 Launches on on March 25, 2016
According to Moviepilot, Season 2 of Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix will launch on March 25, 2016. The 13 episode Season 2 will introduce Marvel characters of Elektra and the Punisher. After having
Scott Buck Named Show Runner for Marvel’s Iron Fist
Rumors have squirreled around the Netflix series, Marvel’s Iron Fist. Rumors stated Marvel’s Iron Fist was in trouble. Many speculated Netflix might pull out on Iron Fist. Marvel tried to squash
Netflix Announces “Lost In Space” Remake Series
Lost In Space is a classic science fiction television series from the mid 60s. It aired for three seasons with 83 episodes (that is a lot of episodes a season).
Almost Time for Netflix Marvel’s Jessica Jones
T minus 4.5 hours and counting until Netflix loads all 13 episodes of Marvel’s Jessica Jones on their server and the viewing may begin. It goes on Netflix at 12:01 am
Television Trailer: Netflix Marvel’s Jessica Jones
Here is the latest trailer for the Netflix series, Marvel’s Jessica Jones. It displays the relationship between Jessica and Luke Cage. It shows Jessica’s hard life. Don’t forget about David
Marvel’s Jessica Jones Poster – Kilgrave (Purple Man)
This poster is awesome. My excitement and anticipation for this Netflix Original series, Marvel’s Jessica Jones, grows by the moment. There will be moments in this series that will be
TV Trailer: Marvel’s DAREDEVIL Season 2
Here is the first teaser trailer for Marvel’s DAREDEVIL Season 2 on Netflix. It retraces season 1 and gives us a few moments of new footage. I love Matt at
Movie Trailer: Marvel’s JESSICA JONES (Super Jump)
Here is another trailer for the Netflix original, Marvel’s JESSICA JONES. This one shows her super jump ability. I am really looking forward to this series. Stay Geeky My Friends!
TV Trailer: Marvel’s Jessica Jones
Here is a really KOOL trailer for the upcoming Netflix Original series, Marvel’s Jessica Jones. I love the alarm clock. All Thirteen episodes will première on Netflix on November 20,
Agent Carter Adds Villain Madame Masque
Agent Carter has a new Nemesis for season two. Peggy will face off against Whitney Frost aka Madame Masque. Madame Masque is a skilled criminal mastermind. She is an expert markswoman, strategist, and
Jessica Jones Coming to Netflix in 2015
Netflix and Marvel had stated previously that the second Marvel series on Netflix, Jessica Jones, would premiere sometime in 2016. There has been some speculation that it might be pushed
Danger Mouse Comes to Netflix
Back in the 80s, I discovered Danger Mouse. It is an animated take off of James Bond and Danger Man. It has fun 10 minute episodes. I love the various
“Marvel’s Jessica Jones” Name Change- A.K.A. No More
According to tennantnews.blogspot, Netflix’s next Marvel series is getting a name change. It was originally “Marvel’s A.K.A. Jessica Jones”. The series has lost the A.K.A. from the name. I don’t think
Punisher Cast For Daredevil Season 2
The Netflix series, “Marvel’s Daredevil” has cast Jon Bernthal as Punisher. Bernthal is most known for his movie career with Wolf of Wall Street, The Walking Dead, and Fury. The Punisher is
TV Trailer: Between
Here is a trailer for the new Netflix Original series, Between. All of the Adults above age 22 come down with deadly virus and die. The town ends up being
Marvel & Netflix Announces Six More Cast Members to Daredevil
Today, Marvel and Netflix announced six new cast members to Netflix’s Marvel’s Daredevil. These cast members are part of the supporting cast. From the comics, Rob Morgan (“Person of Interest,”